The Memphis Press-Scimitar from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

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The Memphis Press-Scimitari

Memphis, Tennessee

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1110111113 rarss-scDtrrAn Tutiodety Novembear 211 TAGt 20 0 1M Satur ay Bugbee Rebs can CI for sE George Fa NMI Vie I 111Vn euS Olin! tako tho title hut there's Iiiktts Agimil It II PRI II Shutt LI Aahurn the l'alts lake the title hut there's lakes lb 1 ialtt I 1 tow i (ivy 1 A 44 Bold Ruler Lives Up To His Name--Lord Of All He Surveys on the University of Miami Saturday night at Coral Galles The Gators went thru prartice at a casual pace but heavier workouts are expected later in the week Tu lane went thru a brisk wraricout in preparation Louisiana State with the emphasis on defense Louisiana State held a full-scale defensive serimmage with two units naming Tulane's split-T Conch Paul Dieel kept the team on thP muddy field for two hours The Getwgia Tech Yellow Jackets watehed movies of limt week's scoreless lie ith Florida then quit for the day after a burl soRSion in the gym and nind sprints on (rant Coach IiebbY DIM said he expected all the regulars to he ready for the Bulldogs except halfback Joe Delany and Stan Flowers little I is11 tc rErI the Tlixis pass Alabama Aft I kln toree1 lhn Tennessoe squad inside the tots lo40-1 at 11 th Kentucky game Emil heari a mina repsrt this opponent The game vtill he KrA-1o Emered Auburn to'ci that Improving Alattatnii hag stoki and 11er het than the Tigers "They ae a much imprioed team snit efipahle of heatin4 us 4 it Lrdan said The squaI drilled for its inteounter WI Auburn It saI he plans fey 3t oolk tor the final cae- of ihp sintson 11! only SEC teitn Oa) eitis'ide the eenferenee All except ono cif he Southeastern football squads algtted freparations yesterdvy for their final ganrs eir the regukr senson Ientucky wound up its regular si ason Saturday with an upet deckion over Tennessee Nlis-issippi had a fulls ale wiirliont tin nfretii ard dfnse illi units runniniz Mississippi Slate pig co311 JoblItlY 01-111 inn the twill' th pas4iti4 and raintini Civieh Wade Vaikcr 11iin 11I1siii locked Rati-tt and Kaal all eernt A bid will paillily aisured tlio virner in S' and Ole piss ran lit Inai1 a tin erth Auburn Climbs Into No1 National Rating ZPV11-1101k" Ohio State is Second on AP 1 i 1 Williamson Has Ole Miss Fifth (4 tN'" ort k404 bar au 4 Spy viii 4 73 "14 qr 7k11- "skk: Ar 0701 7 iik 64 '4411: 4f ttt i 11 44 yo'fit fly MI 1111 WILLIAMMIN Prcl-Printifire Fn17l PitypAfirfio6r The' 1:157 foothill sPasn is OniV Sonic thirty MAIN tn he nioct'y lo thon rams of tho whnc0 ly pPrmits fneball thls late in 'he senenn r1 11 Syq1Pm's tnp tnn limn lost nnic Inv Pr tntorl tiprincnt this year: linr' of 'tsce havp nIsn hem fall by foam hii rtr-1 ler Oni Alartrn ApINIK1 STLD Auburn unbeaten end untied Southeastern Conference leader advanced to the top of the national football rankings today in the season's semi-final Associ Med Press poll as State futnblist away its hold on first 1 The defensively bborn Plainsnien from Alabama a sitenri a eek ago polled 1851i points on the ballots of 22 sports riters and broadcasters State leader by only nine points a week ngeo tiroppod i 41: '-ctt 'i- 0 '4'71 44 -'s 4114 4)s 1'1: i -3 4'4 ot 'i i F-f: 4 11 TiliiiitYc4 4 -16a tit4 11164 110' 1 :7 i-440tV 4''Vviint virri -4- Am s-'') 3 117 7 -7-47kle kssi 'i ilitf- 14 rPlkhr tqlt IL n's tvwi' ft 'tie l'al016-16e: 'iNgt td'10v1 czfi It -ii flv)rk 'qle 'W'14 IC lkilitik' Lk' i 4-s' 1 till "mid I XI' 1 i 4 'Wle 4 A461444 i 4 r4ik is A 1 4:1444 -414 4444A wr'3t': -0i 4 4f:" tili Aoi-7- r-4 'y7j tAt 4's 1 41' lt '164 14" 1 rA kVitis ISk 1 7 7 11' tti rk4tk'''''Itt? 2 '1 '4'4' "1' a '3'k 41 71N A Cfre- 5 441i Nit ik 1wv t) :44:1 Fe4 11'lik 712 7''! 'is' 0 -ik -4-vpdi 'at F4-441? 4trt vorw41 ') ini 4 11 1 i I ''0 A 47-ktV54ir L'E Of ilt 0 At 1114 4 417f 't -14 i 114i04 114 cl! Ai: 764 44r- Po TF: org4-440 t' 1 414 3c- Vio 'rti 4Yt-5' $0 1 '44' vi 4 t10 0a 41-1 Ark 441 isa 4k iir L1104 ff' I It wfr iq Irk 0stst4t tes 2: 75)11 1111- 1 4 4 4 0g 1' 11'' Every hori hns i Jay I suppotre ani this IS 1led iia bi n1 galiaa a el itter as ev triinehuti an oat are by th: inravuluas prucess cif tztion erwerteti it inlu high-octant! u1 1Icr hs 1igh-suanir4: monickvr once of Ii ne1 to 1ee such a lit now iat lcr11 11 Ilium! 4 in i ::0 laq et IN Itd up VI Todr 110 is riliT 4 tile notse kaiganni as both 0 -i and hteV1: (JA and 100! teie Io of Ns h14 I v'1 11 a 411 Tlt5 eivk I on elf tin of a husl tffe1 a No tho ihner 014 NaIan po-sesI 1 in ktrThill 1 kmks II ciahl011 iite sale in the rn 14 a1 Stakis :1011 el 'hat 1e 11-14har4pet al the Preohness Victory Lightly Token i -e ors shared rrit 1e s' as his itt lit enter I 1 distee is :110 141 Al fa in i01 Fity 1y 11 't i it at 1: 1:10 0s 111 I e1n4 tioer plaLzul FtIrtil li ti tit i and Indeed thp rare itrmrd A 'ar i'14 It1111r riff :71 nt the mile anti finished a flavving fourth alns vks )1111- 111 1 sc-frift :71 1111mtily it did 5 1'Cl41! inastitileh as it 1 1 't on Lost Opportunity A it irrp te 1eP1 Oral aymg Ini1 er -1 thn olt 11114 aphnty rut did he hell! or to he inoe Price the stamina? eliesn se-red to 10 ThP erdc111-ita! i stietch mileginda-half Belmont Strikes rd 1 the Tr de noAn rne Iellet Miler flzged -reol fl ''A FIrtnit'away wrier this challpnze So thrt h1 just Ivod him ern as a faelor in the llorse ruf( i11 Handicap rlrrt iinel a tas uiPeed to serve inerely VC P11 betATnn Gallant el (iven ride the inio a 10111r ort 1 iitaile tito ta Man by cnvine IN: 211 alIhtt eir1 pet sctearie0 are Periine too ag Eitt 4 I- ri deci 14-oe-'-'' 11 Vall io third after a filniblin4 per- 51tiinittlitP1- -1 'I- -c- f-vi: I it oli! i 7 ii fmniallrf atainst Kansas State 1-Tol rt tlicin still have a train- 1111111 i-4 1 1141 -IRta 4:1 placste Siltnitr i411 11 13eig0heionSetiarti(m's ticiial gradite game to play -e 4cIta pions 1110Cli into eentill ri AulPirn azainst Alabama and )3 k-'itso4 Ii '-rot-we it'1- a empo Azona i 4PIc A 1 1744 C' I' '1' 4- tiol nti aonal ollege football it 3 -s to in ailinhi npqp ill Ise ded Auburn zround ritil 29-I win t'" Airw4 cf -1 I 4 4 next iieek in nal Asiorialed (loin FleI Ida State in stay firt i IC Ike 1 4 l' 7 Pri's4 poll Sine(' the Rev: Iltrzb Rriiiiratir" cerontl Oho ait itite --ffi" s3 -l'I the fi rt '4 I 'IP: flu It 0' snnell Tropay wa4 retired by winntr from nehican ''1 ei i ''')1 4'4 '1- L' 1'" i -i Iv I St- Ai t's Tfl I roultion Tevis AkM v-as F'- A -73 -i'' 7 5 oloiloceik kr Oklilloina hist Near the Assoei- 'AN' (14: pod Fres4 will nil-gent a now iIle Still foorth 7lieltican State -1 7 '34122074-3L- 117To k1-1'41i 05'7 4 ui: k''' championship tioell to 1 be li-1 kid tr-11-dr wioninq 27-9 -5 -0' -k Argrioki2g5gli -Zt 'i l' AIr '-'4-- tr K-144- kwt1-14 4-- ssA In i nni es a ivnted as chain- front VretA State spot AR 1 t' iit "4- it k0ot 3 --3-st pit omtl? I(1nlet f2nratIlirr itlililop top cons 1 Ale mse t-- kr 49 4: 44 4 to froin ninth rn their '-'111 'CY' i -s 131k A' ie -41 iit iey 4 i tencle'rs for the chimpionship i in fr ini weriber 11 T1rIMP 1 F1 ''''ilit rli t4 x4 4 4 A' 'I' '54' 1 Idlo still 7th 01lah9mq ii Po '26)-T tfr! A' -1 leluier1 to play this 'O: '11pl-s Nobrac '2-7 for tk --) 4 i'At 1144 1' 4 4 Ilk rI it Aolittrn PT1 easr 23-7 wirnI 4 S'h Tnmpe bounded into 9'h 1 04! r41 4:1 IA- tr? ttf k47(44 at- 1101 vottimiliel-- nver Florida State Saltiniv lila Ilfrn 20th ka last tan An 1 I akog on ni Nati 1 iV11 Mallan'a 4 thr'll undefeated sea rin miff --crazpdr33-z-roTTA4 in the seumendirET gaol(' Ail erlishin: 414 shill-out f-if Colle er for'" i lir' ii11111 1'13 over Smith' I- vetterciay S-rny Jrn a -I e' i'l 14 lik of Paolfie 29-21 victor HORSE OF THE YEAR er --il! 3 i rs n-f1 len enii Ohio state r4 m5 rl ra3 II wir rtie3 rf--e Carolina wag Itith Nape Nwh 1 at T-e 7r1w' on gi 'read cf I- a e11 1EV :7 oroiii-ted Il-te Carolina State Si-RETe's L'er arter c-3 3-en-c'i wen '-9 rid Bc x-er 7-e 7': Cr9 -3 s- 9 a5' 3cLtii: 071s pk in vetcg ll Alt': lig :1 4 3t t- 44' 4 'd 4 $14 04 1 pr- vi it 0 lt t-1! tA st 4 i -0Y4747 w7)- i1 k- --t -1- le 15clot 14-1" 14 Pg0': it'' te' -VAt4v171 ij- 1 ra-1 4 11 c' '''5V ro i j'' n-g' 1414 i 1 0 4 4 t- 4 4 v4 4 4 i 7 I i 4: 4 44 11 11 ist '7 0'W tL'' j' iii 74 a 4: 1 4 t4111144' 1t1' )40 4' k4'41k 4 kl tt's a '41 'Ws4-44)" 1 011 -11 4 We: -4 -11 64 a ia: al 044 -44 7 ---4i --'4i 41 4' 111 1 V1 -411: '7 :411 k73 tliki'A-: 1tr i i': 4) A i ft is :4 :4 4 k-f -14- s1 iit :14 -lif i (ttovo-4 13:18:1 A Tis ts 4 tw 14400-044164 11:3 of' 1)! It burn 1 tho 227 fIrsl- ruk In ne mint tEi 11m In Ink AtIW ita I 'PR rn nrP1 Junhr orse ut Yeah Honors to Bold Ruler IIIP N- fn: 7Tranr rniini4 nt 1-luln! V11t 91rues pilyrd Nov 2-1! IP 1 'fk for et Prd it ro-r mps tee 0 51 tcrourk PPrial to lhe Preu-Stinsitar Ralph LoweA Gallant Man fr handicap runntr The Trenton IIinclicap was (I'm to ni for 3Ith 1 Ao)ti I i is 4 1 ORK---Torf toi4S7 first piaci' Tha del'irlim: ire Bold Miler received lt votes the race that on 1-3i1 ins tit 1h pae olcs 1 i 4 4 AA '14 1: 1 i A sAnta the racing unrld is none other was New 9 at Garchn State Pat in the annual poll and Gallant honor In the field tiesirir4 1 i a1 in I 'r g1141Ir" tivin Bold Itulor the olt vhere Boll fluirr von the Tr--n- Man got mne The winner got lant 'Marl was Kerr Stal)0' 11- a 93 4 1 7 Ntyy 5 At 9 1 91 3 Wig counted tont of the orld ton hy lenzths 114 peints Gallant Man 110 and Round Table that ftifiited )02 97 41 el w7-171Ono n9 91 hr''S now king of two trnnths a10 front Gaiinnt Man Rtintl Table 37 for leading Icngths behind the Ruler ht it I'- T111 Ariz 563 9 91 in is pm Am 1' 97 WIr91104 fin I' Ruler was voted "horse el the Mre Charirs Ulri-h 13 a y's it was ridden by FdttP Ark aro 1 1 11 name Pe i re 17:9 Sl 91 I1 vriir" in the annual poll of th und i-reI In the young for 2-year-o11 Sunny Jim Fitzsimmons is likki 31! to A 19 111101 ate 9n 9 1 11 91 7n 5ti rent insMorning tinri Daily vas narnill best of Irr tb- honors Idun narrowly edzrel 11tires trainer 0 :4 rn 9 dt 71 Dk 1 rr- 917 2 Tem Zi'1Rari1tt Ft trm yEtstertlay visign atvl Mrs Jan Rarke4 Nadir Reward got li tin ulth an eight fr (141! -3 r7 pop 4 71 FPI ien70 Peron The whealley stable rillt fl Wfr4 votd the leRtbr: zood ler thi rd I '7 e7 ne l' 74 Wont reeord ear ned S221 1955 brollc 'ho zoxlci 10: rnrioq l''' 91-nof Chi 94 I Fir St Flight 2-yoar-o1 I Rkind Table 37 for leading Icngths behind the Rulfr was ridden by Fdde Ark aro In the ioting for 2-ye3r-o11 Sunny Jim Fitzsimmons is Bold hon9rs Idun narrmily edzed Ruler's trainer Nadir 13-12Tewe1's Reward got Mon uith an eight (141! for third reeord earned S2211955 brolk FirAt Flights 2-year-oll 4 ft 9 2 qi -7 Of c've 14 Bucs Move To Martin Mother-in-Law Slims Mite If CBC's 3-1 Record On the Line On the Line He Needs Money To Bring Her to 5 I 7i14t0s71110 SP ol winnine: rei-oril of 7031 :41 ria 14994rg Tel It Salaries Slashed iwas a unailimillis cholci as 1hr 74 Remo 7 141( 49161 "i tow I juvenile filly rhainp There aai tirrinimous fo VAN nli 1: 0)110ge rar- 79 91 1621914u gNA I 1 94 41 S4 101 SIMI N9 51 Ozflen Phipps' Neji the streplo- rirs a '3-1 Irv-4111ml! l'OfMIL '7 404114 4 St NIrtO Trxas $9 4 1ovzlit where the 2st" i itc-rw me4 aY Cuts for Campanella and Snider rhrinIP' I soi CanrIOOVI $9 2 111 11: 1-1Mit DUI 101 ull A bil 91 441 St A 17 Inhina ill I I r7e It 917" Ti Louisyllie 191 wemou t-0ril 1111 ay Cues for Campanella and Snide ivinninz erril 1:131 iivas a unanimous choice is ljuvenile filly champ There wai Also utrinimous olinz fr VAN 4 a 11) i 111 NEW oniz no Mox lile thr Ibuni HO nicht flo s-cavi ici i virtory 111fn I veek Argrmtinn MP Nnilinefl to rily "Anil neiNt rrl-erk to hreopit her to thlTs c*ntry otn Thr zooti rtiont 101h AMnr hi vzht conteritiPt -ci Ind 14 P11 to- fizhis thces 41 loth 1 1 I 16 4le 94 P9 Ti4 art unbeaten Si) far ari a PP Thai rprts p9 40 this SeaStin Willi victori es over3a siani rat c4 11 14' 57 Pr' Alliens 7S-5I and Freed-I larde- i 17 LOS ANIiELES Catrha'r ql it 0" tt-Vitml p4 44 man 0-77 rhe early games in- sent 91 91 11V4ite 144 14 7i nfly CaMPallella and Outfielder dir'lle asl henring power in the ik I a Z1 1V? vir tr4' Duke Snider took pay cuts in Vol linolip AKAT 91 4 94 irrne4 fUl I climitr their 195S contracts 4a 41 4 7 Vt! 1 fi 1 1I'Mli's starters ail he for- -Is tiagyvinr-ca sh with the Los DXIEZPIS dr viards Jon Hart ili-11 and Bill 41 911 Wiwi IN44411-171Y V1 The tuo 3 1111431ne Pakce i-'0 renivr Rill the second and third players 11-1 and alarels 1:11 limps ig2 et a SP 414 2 ilintig 74 2 t) sin Un since the chili made 1 114' thIS SeaS1111 Willi victories over lit sismi rs 7 tsite Prp44 1114 air a Ailiens Ii-51 and Freed-Ilarde- '117 '1 t1111 LOS AN1E1ES Catrh0r iiehign 4 ir tt-vdAmo Px 41 man 90-77 The early games in scnt 91 91 W4 ke 1re44 41 7i Iloy Cam ne palla and Outfielder dicate 31s1 heell'Ing power in the ik 1 a I' A 1V? virAt tig' Duke snidiv took pay cuts in Vol linoin) A KA 91 4 94 4'rne4 l't r4 4 A W11! 1 fUl 11 si-vnity their 195S contracts 1 starters will hP for- 1 tot clImr- la sh with the Los 91 1 944'4 Pnly 14 9 viards Jun Hart ill-11 and Bill t11 1 PI 7 'OM Norp-k 79 The 3 uv 71 a 1 171 li1 16 1 4 Iln kcr i-t corop 1 Rill Ilrown 1 I An second and third players oi-t and Laiat-els Ed Jones fo-21 47: 74 2 t) shzn up since thP club made and tmarris Efi 14IPS ili-21 ni 2 Hipd 7i1 2 V) suzn up since the club made FR 1111 09111 Svp Ra II a toA EVEN I LOOK UP TO MEDLEY' lv ul fl- gr tracts weir nf: revealed hut should take a cut along thP I narlsi indicioed S'ilider wiuld line even tho Duke had a good receive arou nd S121110 a year selson" a- the Itiebcr1 paid with Ile added that if the cl*th the Itodzers en tilde Campanella had th snide would tsoL114 100Vo ill he nei711bor- have received in adequate hood of $311)00 raise" i Dodzer a a 1 reeWee CamNinella said all he could 1i zy) i Trilgica Iteea shmed a month azo in Name his poor seasin on vas a their '11111 l''1 (ii-gorY 1)-!" is a 9' 71 1 Los Amzeles OS neW home keeping with the traditien of tat "every time I hit the hall la The Blic 5 1Val 114111111 0 or-I 01k1'''11 6 71 717K INIfiger Vice Pt esidunt beim: the Et'st player to re- it went to somebod anis Vi a IN Oa 117! and Ito1: 97 rli 74 4 (ISLIZZyi liavasi said Campa- new his contract The veteran catcher lookin2 avar- 3 tt a 9: 7 Itakerf! 74 3 Ktiniti l'ettliT Bill Lowry and r3 A444-! 4 NI sitmarl 24 2 nella took a cut hecausP of a In explaininz the pay cuts ahead to his llth year with the imKnot N(Avi Clrie and Leon 7t 74 'n 7" "msonally disappointing" sea- for Smder and Carnpanella said his alling hand 17 I TVit Thr 111141iPri Will IN! i 54 C111iall ii 1 son last year and that Snider ratvasi said: V1 5 fine and that he did not inailo captiiii Don oil nelly 1 receiver! a token ctn" felt that we didnI in think it would give him any btha Buckeyes Lead Exct terms el the nnw eon- the pennant and that the ls troube I i nu! ith a knee iniurv i aml 4 M- tu 9 3 I i Ihrir "Ill l'''''1 (0-g'irY 1'- va 1 fr A 71 1 Los Aryzeles its new home 0 11 3 71 11 a 111 1 1111 Wal 110111111 0 for: 11 9 76 Dofiger Vice Pt esident 1 eIrliw VI11nP Oa VI mi 11P NMI roo L' 07! 1)- 74 4 Muzzy liavasi said Campa- ra a' 71 a avards In IS I nP l'IP "I 11'! atill I Alli 5i a 2 13111y 1 11d CINI NgliU tt li 1 ta liSV 3176 1 MI htit att rettliT Bill IJAvry nd 3 A00-! 4 1 il4 nella Inok a cut because of a In explaininz the pav ruts -twrils N(Avi ra IP Illf 14 I 9 11 many disappointing" ea fir Smder and arrpa' nella l'hat I 9: to Rtiviy" "Pers livill 111 molt! The Brottirri will 1mi cawlum se son last year anti that Snider ratvast said: had 11)11' eIP111 Donnelly 1 receiver! a ctn" "We felt that we didnI in is iv int a lime injury Buckeyes Lead I Exact terms el the new eon- the pennant and that the boys 'trill Its' had 11)11' K'11 Willi 15 Oh kwif injury Buckeyes Lea A 11 1 I II I 1 I II I 11 Cr Ali ilecli WAIL "1116 'III II IIII6 ISO sign a Name ed rnotth azo in ae his poor seacon on vas keepJi with the traditien 4)f toat "every time I hit the ball beim: the first player to re- it went to somebody" DOW his vontraet The veteran catcher lookin2 In explainins: the pay ruts ahead to his llth year with the fed- Smder and Carnpanella Itodvrs said his ailing hand ratasi said: was fine and that he did not "We felt that we didn't win think it would give him any any the pennant and that the ly)ys troub le h4tIrq efl 0110 tie' I 111C11IV In fr6111 al St Nral1111 A l' Ti Dnrstme I I VI tivt tc for 13: El or" I A UE I a iii 'il el mlefl a 1 hnieni at of the third round I 1 It1 1 f14r totind k10) Alt'x ict flovr i Alox 101 a )freyro yhs last On UP Poll Cross Country Record Set it waa swigging 7 necord Set Br I nifret Proms Jonesboro to Play PAneral Bowl Filled No Early Foot Awniatrd l'reso Sperail ta The Pren-Brimitar Paragould 11 9 I EXCELSIOR sprINGs IOWA CITY lowa--Alex KarIvIth 11 Prt-Svimitar Correvolident WilliaM Jewell and Hasunzs a-- ras Ioa it senior lackl and A PCneral Bowl Filled No Early Foot Br ktthstrd 11IS1 Sperail I The Pren-li theitar 1 EXCEL rI SIOR spNGs IOWA --Al CITY Iowaex Iowa- William Jewell and Hastinzs a-- ras Inc senior tackle and 'hi Aints to titut Ilk 11thot i NEW YORK The rniterl t'i Nit AI 11t11 I 10 rwss 4diz(l fonthall ratinzs 'ado hit' tw's I 1th volot nnd 11nle INt retrds in parentheses) fl 1r the le- it! 16 Lei thn ti 16ti rre NEW YORK The United' rioSS fonthall ratin za vinot and won- i MI-11 Ti 11 '11N ly frinti smv ")3 JONESI30110 Mk An ancient football rivalry vI 1)1 lesumed Thursday when 3onecborn High School battles the Pararould Iltd ItIous at Paragould The series dates back to 1915 Paratzon Id however has won the It two years ()1ii at infi IILI 11) nnini In Mr 41 vv! a lw I NAN) ai 1 -I 5 (ilifor- 7 -i in nyt1 c1 10! 7 liri rtIirtP1 ilari' 0 Mut- 11- 11(1 Inl svt p14 It spnw the finir- 0 roith Fi I 0 rY 1 0 nnno I he'r" In '4 I' (1" 'h-11Pring i'3 4 4t 1 ri Irn h-t 11 41 It' a 1 PA' 4 I is tinil 1 1It-r thin i I'af Nil' nil' rin Lail al eptrd invitations Ti) play in top lineman last season and this: NEnnral Vator fowl game failed to earn a varsity letter in Nov his sophom*ore year MaltProsSISZVIPtatettgqceltn TREMENDOUS NINO iv SENSATION FOR 1958 Ifissge of A Slittt! B19 VsAjl-- ii '1 GIAT BIG A 1 '141 I lir 4i :111 1 i 010- repted invitations Ti) play in top lineman last season and this: 49t ge- (tts i NEnnral Vater fowl game failed to earn a varsity letter in Or- ae Nov 311 his sophom*ore year Di 10 7---77p- Itt1116 1 'ri 1: "SUVA" i 1 4'1 -41164141 1 4" 4 34 k' i TREMENDOUS PHILC 0 1 441 Iv sENRATion FOR 1958 1 1011- 7 7 446 vust 441te11A It 4 i I 1' It 1 40 IP- i 1 "I- A 4: A I 4 it '1 0211) (12-144ftlftflt 90 at 1 7 S04W 414 0 01 4 I 0: -ts t- 4:: 01 ts' 1 a 1 PigtVir 7 40iiiitSlittilliii ''-r 'WOW 1n1111MMcCill I I 4 I 1 i 0 ti yr it iv- 44 -0 y) a 1 110 "7 t- i rib a 448ri AA- 4 frry 4 4111 4ACt '47efAQ 111 kiT: eue 11 1146trUflen Zilli 16' I 4J' i 'A I' 1114 Tvt 1 111 13 11: 7 s1 1 011r1" A Conshtent Hitter JIr: In -a 1 nr Contract for McGuire AtvielatA rreII CHAPEL MIL Fin 11(liire who guided tho rre4 1152 It Irwit 1111 yonK flitk has Irk by 1 3 11P171 a consistent hittPr thP last versity of North Carolina to Mx in iirpp 01 tile I AA n- perfect spAion and the 1157 na- 4410 Tie kw 1 i 1 IM Cards Offered Plenty for Mays Last Season Plenty for Mays Last Season Quarterback Bus Anizel 11t :1 i 1n 1955 101 tilf ririfu enact szile tonal basketball championship To Starkville vvi11 10 in 19714i aryl an rerPived a fivPlear contract 3i10 in 19717 tcnsion Ciib sporial IL wated Pr i I Olp NI lAW I I "1 at THEY ARE siNGING 1 11 on Salir i optr :11:: ci! 17: 11 7 4' I 7 -7 1 ii 1tr-poitatiai AT 10 iv I '1 0 3vt11- 625 UNION I :1 ti 1 4: TitIit 1 3111 1 3 finJiin IVI ILM'i il TT vf 1 1 14 Cenral Pr i at ihp wrR1 Tickle! top lb ci 511at: we r-tie I ir lakNI do lain 1011 ir) 111111 of IC --7 trit3i NZ a w-rnora! Frank i4 (:1 1: t1A 111111 TI4 Frink "i'4 (:1 1: Washington Opener Set for April 14 AO 11 It 3 5 7 7 r1! :1 I Vicksburg Falls t'- ut 11 frt ht71 Before Murrah I I iii 71 rt 0-A 1 A 3 nu? Tenn Cage Scores A 1es- eilln 1 4- 'f- I 7 I EVERYBODY'S UM SAYS COME AND SEE WHY 1 RI-Voltage Circuitry 1)0 AAP Spur 'itch Tunr Starbricht 20-2t1 Aluminird l'irtnro Tub 2-cmitinn Electronie Eatuvi '3(11)EL BANE OPTION AL $10 DOWN DELIVERS We Service Everything We Sell Reconditioned Guaranteed TV Sets S211115 up Built-In Antenna Patented Dynamic Diode Detector Sound Stem Top Front Tuning Perfect Recption Guarantcod Easy Credit Terms To Suit You 1 1 '1 144: i A 'Irif 3zsgryi k41 4 7 EVE de4i 5 -1 1111N a A 1 le 4411 I itilik I fill I 8 9 9 5 I 3r -A ''''11: C-04 A 11 741) 0 't) li 1 Al i' Nall i I 1 7311DEI 4210-E BANE OPTIONAL RI 5 Deb10 DOWN DELIVERS N(tIv7i 4 el RYBODY'S HPPPY -v)" idAir 1 4: '-StiN We Service Everything ire Sell I 441 I la 1 It iii i 1 IFI o'N MISTER I Reconditioned Guaranteed TV Sets USA ay is Ili-Voltage Circuitry Built-In Antenna SAY COME Easy Cr Terms To Suit You 11:1 I 1 Si Ili sintiapredriget 7 lams Patented Dynamie Diode Detector Sound Sytent i edit Tem A 04 AN EE WY i Try the Kentucky Bourbon that's both 90 and YEARS Oil)! ryetshbeoKeleinctuo Kentucky Bourbon 1 that Drn id and 6 11I5'1s8aRST 0511! 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Author: Van Hayes

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Views: 5615

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.