Uraro (Arrowroot) Cookie Recipe and Gluten Free! (2024)

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These Uraro (Arrowroot) Cookies are made with 100% arrowroot flour, which makes them gluten free. Using a cookie press you can make these cookies in under 30 minutes!

Uraro (Arrowroot) Cookie Recipe and Gluten Free! (1)

What are Uraro Cookies?

Uraro or Arrowroot cookies were the cookies of my child hood. I remember taking one from the canister and I would just let them sit in my mouth and melt. Then my mouth would get all sticky and I would do it all over again.

I started thinking about them after reading a short story about them in "Savor The Word". The book is an anthology of award winning short essays from the Doreen Gamboa Fernandez Food Writing Awards over a span of 10 years.

From my research recent recipes online all of them had regular flour mixed in. I wanted to try and get as close as possible to the real recipe and I think I did! This recipe uses 100% arrowroot flour.

You do have two options on the kind of sugar to use. One is to use superfine caster sugar. This will give you more of a crispy bite. The second option is to use powdered sugar. The cookie is more crumbly and melty to the mouth in texture. Let's get to baking.

What Ingredients Do You Need for Uraro Cookies?

You actually don't need much to make Uraro Cookies, just these key ingredients.

Uraro (Arrowroot) Cookie Recipe and Gluten Free! (2)

Arrowroot Powder - This is what makes the cookies nice and melty. Arrowroot is a tuber and to make the powder they are first shredded and then the liquid is squeezed out several times and the remaining fibers are dried and pounded to flour. It's widely used in gluten free baking and can also be used as a replacement for corn flour. In this recipe I ask you to not replace it or cut it with regular flour.

Sugar - As I mentioned above you have two options for sugar. I have made them both ways and I have to say I like the version with superfine caster sugar. The cookies are crispier, but you still have that melty moment at the end.

The second option, which I photographed here is to use powdered sugar. This is good to use if you just want the cookies to melt in your mouth.

Duck Egg - When I was reading the essay the author Viol A De Gusman said that duck eggs were used in the original recipe and I highly recommend trying to source them. Duck eggs have richer egg yolkes that give that smooth mouth feel. If you can't find duck eggs you can use 1 whole regular egg plus one egg yolk instead.

Melted Butter - The butter gives the cookies a depth of flavor and moisture. You can use regular real butter or vegan butter. Another alternative to use is pork lard if you are so inclined. That is also what they used in the traditional recipe.

Vanilla Essence - Good for another addition of flavor.

Salt - Helps balance out the sugar.

Milk - A touch of milk softens the cookie dough if it's a little to tight. I recommend using a cookie press to make these cookies. It makes the process faster and they will also give you pretty uniform cookies. When using a cookie press the dough needs to be the right soft, yet not runny consistency. Think mashed potatoes.

How to Make Uraro Cookies

The dough actually comes together quite fast. In a bowl mix together the arrowroot flour, sugar and salt. Then in a separate small bowl mix together the cooled melted butter, eggs and vanilla essence. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix well.

Uraro (Arrowroot) Cookie Recipe and Gluten Free! (3)

If the dough feels a little tight and hard to mix add in 1 teaspoon of milk at a time, mixing in between each addition. You don't want to go to far. As I said earlier aim for soft mash potato consistency.

Following the instructions from your cookie press manufacturer pick your design and fill the press with your dough.

Uraro (Arrowroot) Cookie Recipe and Gluten Free! (4)

From lessons learned I find it best to press the cookies on an unlined cookie sheet that has just been pulled from the fridge. The dough sticks to the sheet better when the sheet is cold.

Uraro (Arrowroot) Cookie Recipe and Gluten Free! (5)

Press the cookies evenly on the cookie sheet. They don't rise or expand much, but do keep some space in between.

Uraro (Arrowroot) Cookie Recipe and Gluten Free! (6)

Then bake for 15 minutes at 300F. These are quite delicate cookies, so I like to keep the temperature low. I don't like any color on them, but that is my personal preference. However if you do like them more golden, add additional cooking time at 2 minute intervals.

Once they are out of the oven, they actually slide off the cookie sheet easily. Leave them to cool on the sheet for 10 minutes and then transfer to a wire rack.

Uraro (Arrowroot) Cookie Recipe and Gluten Free! (7)

Presentation Matters

Once they are cool you can store them in a cookie jar or tin for up to a week. They hold up great in cookie boxes. Hint, hint.

Uraro (Arrowroot) Cookie Recipe and Gluten Free! (8)
Uraro (Arrowroot) Cookie Recipe and Gluten Free! (9)

Other Cookies To Include In The Cookie Box

Filipino Neapolitan Sugar Cookies Filled with Yema

Filipino Flavored Polish Kolaczki Cookies

Christmas Spice Polvoron (The No Bake Filipino Shortbread)

Uraro (Arrowroot) Cookie Recipe and Gluten Free!

These Uraro (Arrowroot) Cookies are made with 100% arrowroot flour, which makes them gluten free. Using a cookie press you can make these cookies in under 30 minutes!

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Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes minutes

Total Time: 25 minutes minutes

Course: Snack

Cuisine: Filipino

Servings: 36 Cookies

Author: Rezel Kealoha


  • Cookie Press


  • 1 ¼ Cup Arrowroot Flour
  • ¼ Cup Powdered or Super Fine Caster Sugar
  • 1 Duck Egg or 1 Regular Egg + an Egg Yolk
  • ¼ Cup Melted Butter
  • ½ Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • ¼ Teaspoon Salt
  • 1 Tablespoon Milk


  • Pre-Heat Oven to 300F and place a cookie sheet in the refrigerator.

  • In a bowl mix together the arrowroot flour, sugar and salt. Then in a separate small bowl mix together the cooled melted butter, eggs and vanilla essence. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix well.

  • If the dough feels a little tight and hard to mix add in 1 teaspoon of milk at a time, mixing in between each addition. You don’t want to go to far. As I said earlier aim for soft mash potato consistency.

  • Following the instructions from your cookie press manufacturer pick your design and fill the press with your dough.

  • From lessons learned I find it best to press the cookies on an unlined cookie sheet that has just been pulled from the fridge. The dough sticks to the sheet better.

  • Bake for 15 minutes at 300F. These are quite delicate cookies, so I like to keep the temperature low. I don’t like any color on them, but that is my personal preference. However if you do like them more golden, add additional cooking time at 2 minute intervals.

  • Once they are out of the oven, they actually slide off the cookie sheet easily. Leave them to cool on the sheet for 10 minutes and then transfer to a wire rack.

  • Once they are cool you can store them in a cookie jar or tin for up to a week.

Did you enjoy making it? I would love to see it! Tag me on Instagram @rezelkealoha with the #rezelkealoha!

For more Filipino inspired goodness in your life follow along on Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest. Or subscribe to get these recipes in your inbox. And if you make these Uraro Cookies I would love to see it. Tag your Instagram snaps with @rezelkealoha and #rezelkealohaeats.
Uraro (Arrowroot) Cookie Recipe and Gluten Free! (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.