UPC Codes for Amazon in 5 Simple Steps - Ultimate Guide (2024)

UPC Codes for Amazon in 5 Simple Steps - Ultimate Guide (1)

Why UPC Codes for Amazon are Important

If you’re looking to sell products on Amazon, you must understand the importance of UPC codes for Amazon. A UPC (Universal Product Code) is a 12-digit code that uniquely identifies your product in the online marketplace. It helps Amazon track inventory, ensures your products are categorized correctly, and is crucial for overall inventory management.

Quick Tip: To list your product on Amazon, you need a valid UPC code from GS1 or a GS1-approved reseller.

Key Points:

  1. UPC codes help Amazon identify and track your products.
  2. They ensure your listings are matched with the correct brand information in the GS1 database.
  3. Without a UPC code, you can’t create new product listings on Amazon.

I’m Will Mitchell, with over two decades of experience in importing from China and e-commerce. I’ve helped thousands of entrepreneurs steer the complexities of UPC codes for Amazon, ensuring their products are correctly listed and easy to find by customers.

UPC Codes for Amazon in 5 Simple Steps - Ultimate Guide (2)

UPC codes for Amazon definitions:

  • product code lookup
  • sku lookup
  • upc barcode lookup

Step 1: Understand What a UPC Code Is

To start, let’s break down what a UPC code is and why it’s essential for selling on Amazon.


A UPC (Universal Product Code) is a unique 12-digit number assigned to each product. This number is paired with a barcode, which can be scanned for easy product identification. The barcode itself is a series of black lines and spaces of varying widths.

GTIN: The Backbone of UPC Codes

The number you see beneath the barcode is called a GTIN (Global Trade Item Number). This number is crucial because it uniquely identifies your product globally. When you purchase a UPC code, what you’re really getting is a GTIN that can be encoded into a barcode.

The Role of GS1

GS1 is the organization responsible for creating and maintaining global standards for business communication, including UPC codes. When you buy a UPC code from GS1, you ensure that your product is recognized globally across multiple marketplaces and retailers.

How UPC Codes Aid Product Identification

A UPC code helps identify your product in several ways:

  • Inventory Management: Retailers and warehouses use the barcode to track stock levels.
  • Sales Tracking: At the point of sale, the UPC code helps in quick and accurate checkout.
  • Global Recognition: The GTIN ensures your product is recognized across different marketplaces and retailers worldwide.

When you sell on Amazon, having a valid UPC code is not just a recommendation—it’s a requirement. Amazon checks the authenticity of your UPC codes against the GS1 database. If your UPC doesn’t match, your product listing could be removed, costing you time and money.

Quick Recap

  1. UPC Code: A 12-digit number paired with a barcode, crucial for product identification.
  2. GTIN: The unique number that forms the basis of your UPC code, ensuring global recognition.
  3. GS1: The organization that issues UPC codes, ensuring they meet global standards.

Understanding these basics sets you up for success as you move forward with listing your products on Amazon. Now, let’s move on to determining how many UPC codes you need for your products.

Step 2: Determine How Many UPC Codes You Need

Before you purchase your UPC codes for Amazon, it’s important to know exactly how many you’ll need. This step is crucial to avoid unnecessary costs and ensure smooth product listing.

Product Variations

Every unique product and its variations require a distinct UPC code. Variations can include:

  • Different sizes (e.g., small, medium, large)
  • Different colors (e.g., red, blue, green)
  • Different styles (e.g., long-sleeve, short-sleeve)

For example, if you’re selling a T-shirt that comes in three sizes and three colors, you’ll need a total of nine UPC codes (3 sizes x 3 colors).

Barcode Estimator Tool

To simplify the process, you can use a barcode estimator tool. This tool helps you calculate the exact number of UPC codes needed based on your product variations. Some tools are available on the GS1 US website.


When you purchase your UPC codes from GS1 US, you’ll need to decide between buying a single GTIN or a company prefix. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Single GTIN: Ideal for businesses with a small number of products. Costs $30 per code with no renewal fees.
  • Company Prefix: Best for businesses with multiple products. The cost varies based on the number of UPC codes needed and includes an initial fee plus an annual renewal fee.

Cost Considerations

While GS1 codes are the gold standard, they come with a price. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

  • Single GTIN: $30 each, no annual fee.
  • Company Prefix: Initial fees start at $250, with an annual renewal fee of $50.

Choosing the right package depends on your business needs. If you only need a few UPC codes, a single GTIN might be more cost-effective. For larger inventories, a company prefix offers better value in the long run.

UPC Codes for Amazon in 5 Simple Steps - Ultimate Guide (3)

Quick Recap

  1. Identify Product Variations: Each variation (size, color, style) needs a unique UPC code.
  2. Use a Barcode Estimator Tool: Helps calculate the exact number of UPC codes required.
  3. Choose GS1 US: Decide between single GTINs or a company prefix based on your needs.
  4. Consider Costs: Factor in initial and renewal fees when budgeting for UPC codes.

By determining how many UPC codes you need, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals. Next, we’ll guide you through purchasing your UPC codes from GS1.

Step 3: Purchase UPC Codes from GS1

Now that you know how many UPC codes you need, it’s time to purchase them. The best place to get legitimate UPC codes for Amazon is from GS1 US.


GS1 US is the official supplier of UPC codes. They provide globally recognized and trusted codes that ensure your products are correctly identified and tracked.

Single GTIN

If you only need a few UPC codes, you can purchase single GTINs (Global Trade Item Numbers) from GS1 US. This option is perfect for small businesses or those with a limited product range.

  • Cost: $30 per code
  • No Annual Renewal Fees: You pay once and own the code for life

Company Prefix

For businesses with multiple products, buying a company prefix might be more economical. A company prefix allows you to generate multiple UPC codes under a single prefix, which is great if you have many product variations.

  • Initial Fee: Starts at $250
  • Annual Renewal Fee: Starts at $50, depending on the number of codes you generate


Here’s a quick comparison of the costs:

OptionInitial CostAnnual Renewal Fee
Single GTIN$30 per codeNone
Company PrefixStarts at $250Starts at $50

No Renewal Fees

One of the significant advantages of purchasing from GS1 US is that single GTINs have no annual renewal fees. This means you only pay once and can use the code indefinitely.

Global Standards

GS1 US codes are created according to globally agreed-upon standards. This ensures that your products are accepted and recognized by retailers worldwide. Using GS1 codes can improve your brand’s credibility and make it easier to expand into new markets.

Quick Recap:

  1. GS1 US: The official and trusted source for UPC codes.
  2. Single GTIN: Ideal for small businesses, costs $30 per code, no renewal fees.
  3. Company Prefix: Best for larger inventories, initial fee starts at $250, with annual renewal fees.
  4. No Renewal Fees: Single GTINs have no annual fees, making them cost-effective.
  5. Global Standards: Ensures your products are accepted worldwide.

Purchasing your UPC codes from GS1 US guarantees authenticity and compliance, helping you avoid any issues with Amazon. Next, we’ll cover how to assign these UPC codes to your products.

Step 4: Assign UPC Codes to Your Products

After purchasing your UPC codes for Amazon from GS1 US, the next step is to assign these codes to your products. This step is crucial for ensuring each product is correctly identified and tracked.

Product Numbers

Each product you sell will need a unique product number. This number, combined with your company prefix, forms the complete UPC. If you purchased a single GTIN, this number is already assigned. If you have a company prefix, you will generate product numbers yourself.


GTIN stands for Global Trade Item Number. It is a unique identifier for products and is essential for listing on Amazon. Your UPC is a type of GTIN. You will use this number when creating your Amazon listings.

GS1 US Data Hub

The GS1 US Data Hub is an online tool that helps you manage your UPC codes. Once you log in, you can:

  • Generate Product Numbers: Assign specific numbers to each product.
  • Track Codes: Ensure no duplicate codes are used.
  • Download Digital Files: Get digital versions of your UPCs.

Digital Barcode Files

After assigning your UPC codes, you’ll need digital barcode files to place on your product packaging. These files are essential for scanning and inventory control.

Here’s how you can get them:

  1. Log in to GS1 US Data Hub: Access your account.
  2. Download Barcodes: Choose the format you need (e.g., PNG, JPG).
  3. Send to Manufacturer: If you haven’t printed your packaging, email the digital files to your supplier.
  4. Print Labels: For existing packaging, print adhesive labels to attach the barcodes.

Pro Tip: Ensure the barcode is placed away from edges and printed clearly. This helps warehouse staff scan it easily.


  1. Product Numbers: Assign unique numbers to each product.
  2. GTINs: Use these for Amazon listings.
  3. GS1 US Data Hub: Manage and track your codes.
  4. Digital Barcode Files: Download and apply to your products.

By properly assigning and managing your UPC codes, you ensure smooth operation and compliance with Amazon’s requirements. Next, we’ll dive into how to list your products on Amazon using these UPC codes.

Step 5: List Your Products on Amazon Using UPC Codes

Now that you have your UPC codes for Amazon ready, it’s time to list your products on Amazon. This step involves several key tasks in Amazon Seller Central.

Amazon Seller Central

First, log in to your Amazon Seller Central account. This is your dashboard for managing everything related to your Amazon sales.

Product ID Field

When you start listing a new product, you’ll encounter the Product ID field. Here, you’ll enter the UPC code you got from GS1. Make sure to choose UPC from the dropdown menu.


After you list your product, Amazon will assign an FNSKU (Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit). This unique identifier is crucial if you use Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).

Pro Tip: Place the FNSKU label on your product packaging to ensure Amazon can track your inventory accurately.


Amazon will also generate an ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) for your product. This 10-character alphanumeric code helps Amazon manage its massive catalog.

Category Selection

Choosing the right category for your product is essential. You can either search for a category or browse through Amazon’s extensive list. Select the category that best fits your product to ensure it reaches the right audience.

Product Details

Fill in all required product details, including:

  • Product Name: Make it clear and descriptive.
  • Brand Name: Ensure it matches exactly with the GS1 database.
  • Description: Use keywords but keep it readable.
  • Images: Follow Amazon’s guidelines for high-quality images.

Note: Double-check that all required fields are filled out. Amazon won’t let you submit the listing if any required information is missing.


  1. Log in to Amazon Seller Central: Start your product listing.
  2. Enter UPC in Product ID Field: Choose UPC from the dropdown.
  3. Get FNSKU: Apply it to your product packaging.
  4. ASIN Generation: Amazon will create this for you.
  5. Select Category: Ensure it fits your product.
  6. Fill in Product Details: Complete all required fields.

By following these steps, you’ll successfully list your products on Amazon using your UPC codes. Next, let’s address some common questions about UPC codes for Amazon.

Frequently Asked Questions about UPC Codes for Amazon

How do I get a UPC for my product?

To get a UPC for your product, you should purchase it directly from GS1. GS1 is the global standard for UPC codes and ensures that your codes are unique and valid. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Visit the GS1 Website: Head over to the GS1 US website.
  2. Apply for a Barcode: Click on the “Apply for a Barcode” link.
  3. Get a GTIN: Scroll down to the “Start Small with a GS1 US GTIN” section and click on “Get a GTIN.”
  4. Fill in Required Information: Complete the application form with your product details.
  5. Receive Digital Barcode Files: Once approved, you’ll receive digital files of your barcodes that you can print or send to your manufacturer.

Pro Tip: Avoid buying UPC codes from third-party vendors or sites like eBay, as these codes may not be valid and can lead to your Amazon account being suspended.

How much do UPC codes cost?

The cost of UPC codes can vary based on the number of codes you need and the provider you choose. Here’s a breakdown of GS1 pricing:

  • Single GTIN: $30 with no annual renewal fee.
  • Company Prefix: Starts at $250 for 10 barcodes, plus an annual renewal fee of $50.

Initial Fee: This is a one-time fee you pay when you first purchase your UPC codes. For example, a single GTIN from GS1 costs $30.

Yearly Renewal Fee: If you opt for a company prefix, you will pay an annual fee to keep your codes active. The fee starts at $50 per year for a small number of codes.

GS1 Pricing Tiers:

  • 1-10 GTINs: $30 each, no annual fee.
  • 11-100 GTINs: Starting from $250, plus $50 annual renewal fee.
  • 101-1000 GTINs: Higher tiers are available for larger companies needing more codes.

Where to get UPC codes for Amazon?

The best place to get UPC codes for Amazon is from GS1. GS1 is the only official source that Amazon recognizes for UPC codes. Here are some other options and considerations:

  • GS1: The most reliable and compliant source. Purchase directly from their website.
  • Amazon Seller Central: You can enter your UPC codes directly when listing a product.
  • UPCs.com: A legitimate GS1 reseller that offers bulk UPC codes at a discounted rate. They provide a 100% money-back guarantee if the codes do not work on Amazon.

Note: Always verify the source of your UPC codes to ensure they are valid. Amazon checks UPC codes against the GS1 database, and using invalid codes can result in your account being terminated.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure your UPC codes are compliant and valid for listing your products on Amazon. Next, let’s dive into some additional tips and tricks to optimize your Amazon listings.


Navigating UPC codes for Amazon can seem daunting, but with the right guidance and resources, it becomes much more manageable. At StartupBros, we pride ourselves on providing expert guidance to help you succeed in your e-commerce ventures.

Expert Guidance

Our team at StartupBros has experience in e-commerce and Amazon selling. We understand the nuances of UPC codes and how crucial they are for your business. Our goal is to simplify this process for you, ensuring that you get the correct codes and use them effectively to list your products on Amazon.

E-Commerce Business Training

We offer comprehensive e-commerce business training that covers everything from sourcing products to optimizing your listings. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced seller, our training programs are designed to provide you with actionable insights and strategies to grow your business.

Product Launch Support

Launching a product on Amazon involves more than just getting a UPC code. It requires a well-thought-out strategy, from creating compelling product listings to executing effective marketing campaigns. At StartupBros, we offer product launch support to help you hit the ground running. Our experts will guide you through each step, ensuring that your product has the best chance of success.

By partnering with StartupBros, you’re not just getting help with UPC codes; you’re gaining a trusted ally in your e-commerce journey. From expert guidance to comprehensive training and launch support, we’re here to help you every step of the way.

For more information and to join our community of successful Amazon sellers, visit our website and explore our resources. Let’s make your e-commerce dreams a reality!

Obtaining and using UPC codes for Amazon correctly is just one piece of the puzzle. With the right support and resources, you can turn your e-commerce venture into a thriving business. Let’s get started!

UPC Codes for Amazon in 5 Simple Steps - Ultimate Guide (2024)


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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