The Chat from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

a a a a BF THE CHAT, SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1 1928 Senior Division of Franklin K. Lane High School Graduates 346 Commencement exercises of the Senior Division of the Franklin K. Lane High School were held Thursday evening at the Girls' Commercial High School, Classon avenue and Union street. The principal, Charles E. Springmeyer, presented diplomas to 346 graduates of the general and commercial courses, and also assisted in the awarding of medals and other honors to honor pupils.

Dr. John S. Roberts, District Superintendent of Schools, in his address to the graduates and their parents and friends who Alled the large auditorium to capacity, reminded the boys and girls that upon leavking the high school they were merely taking the first important step on the road that must lead to higher education or a career in the future. He stressed the importance of enlargting ones education so that they may be best fitted for the goal which they may strive for their life work. Following the processional march, played by the school orchestra as the graduates marched into the auditorium to their places assigned at the forward part of the auditorium, the customary salute to the flag was given with the assemblage joining.

Cecil 'Amdur, president of the Senior Class, gave an address of welcome. The Franklin K. Lane String Quartet won merited applause for their rendition of "Quartet in first movement by Haydn. Following the address by Dr. Roberts additional numbers were given by the orchestra.

Israel Abramowitz, Sam Agran, Cathryn Alpert, George Alterbaum, Cecil Amdur, Hyman Amkraut, Morris Arbelt, Sam Architect, Sidney Balkin, Samuel Baratz, Blanche Barfield, Meyer Baskin, Kate Bass, Beatrice Becker, Slaney Becker, John Behr, Berenholtz, Hyman Bergman, Nettie Berlow, Gertrude Bernstein, Morris Bialostosky -Jacob Blegeleisen, Abraham Blackman, Rose Blackman, Ralph Blechman, Samuel Bloom, Henry Bloomberg, Manuel Blumenkopf, Sylvia Katherine Borst, Leonard Breslow, Ethel Bressler, Remson Brewer, Gertrude Brody, Philip BronAn, Alexander Buksin, Alfred Bunke, Lulu Burton, Benjamin Bushlowitz, Mollie Caleo, Helen Carroll, Edwin Richard Cave, Leon Chemkalis, Israel Chernitsky, Anthony, Cogliano, Abraham Cohen, Blanche Cohen, Jacob Cohen, Joseph Johen, Joseph Cohen, Nathan Cohen, Sarah Cohen, Marie A. Coop, Joseph Costobello, Philip Gerard Cuomo. Daniel Dancik, Anthony DeBetta, Florence Diehl, Jeannette Diengott, Harry Edward Duberstein, Roger Edgerley, Evelyn Edelman, Norma Ehrenworth, Isidore Einhorn, Herman In Elsenberg, Milton Elsenberg, Alyce Ellasberg, Freda Ellowitz, Chas. Ellsworth, George Ende, William Engelson Vincent Erwin, Nathan Estis, Jacob fa*getmen, George Feinberg, feldore Feinberg, Joseph Feinblatt, Carmelo Fenech, Beatrice Fingerhut, Benjamin Freeman, Hyman Freedman, Harry Friedman, Joseph Friedman, Sylvia Friedman, Virginia GaJati, Louts Galison. John Gehrken, Lous Gelosky, Irving Getnick, Anthony Glambalvo, Isidore Gibel, Rose Ginsberg.

Jean Glaser, Sidney Goldberg. Sophie Golden, Irving Goldman. Edith Goldstein, Leo Goldstein, Helen Golly, Sylvia Gomberg, Hyman "Coodman, Daniel Gordon, Jessica Gordon. Lenn Graber, Reuben Greenberg. Yetta Greenberg, Gilbert Greenfield.

Monroe Greenfleld, Herbert Guralnick. Gladys Haber, Dorothy Louts Hennessey, Harris, Lillian Rose Horowitz, Harry Ingerman, Arthur Isidore Jaretsky, Thomas Joachim, Meyer Joseph, Mamie Kagan, Louis Kammerman, Morris Kaplan, Mary Karanik, Lena Karlstein, Sylvia Katzen, Regina Katz, Isaac Keller, Israel Klein, Morris Kleinberg, Sylvia KlevInsky, Benson Koenig, Sylvia Korn-welss. Elsie Krakower, Daisy Krey, Isidore Krieger, Blanche Krone, Sol Kronenberg, Abraham Krivttsky, Rose Anthony Kurtz, Ernest Kurnow, Samuel Kutash, Sylvia Carmelo Lagreco, Murray Landow, Sadie Landsman, J. Arthur Lazell, Anna Legendre, Sophie Leichnet, Alphonse Lemmo, Jullus Levine, Gustav Levy, Lillie Levy, Abraham Lewis, Anna Lindstadt, Israel Lipsh*tz, Fred Litman. Eleanor Lowenstein, Caroline Lombardi, Harry Lopatin, Abraham Ludwig, Viola Lueckoff.

Bertha Machtay, Rose Maidman, Esther Malkoff, Edith Mandel, Harold Manowitz, Nathan Marcus, Alice Marens, Rose Mark, Seymour Marshak, Arthur Martins, Charles McCoy James E. McCoy, Sidney Mendelsohn, Clara Mendelsohn, Abraham Meister, Nathan Messik, Henry Meyer, Irving Michelson, Ardath Miller, George Mill man, Harry Millstein, Max Millstein, Sadie Mintz, Carmine Miranda, Bernard Moses, Samuel Nordan, Yetta Okun, Abraham Olener, Solomon Ostrow, Daniel Palash, Henry Papernitsky, Francis Paul, Virginia Perchal Rose Pesin, Arthur Pever, Charles Pleiffer, Werner Pfeiffer, Yetta Plesser, Benjamin Plotkin, Jack Pohs, Barn Pollinger, Sam Popish, Florence (Prosterman, Lillian Rail, Philip Rappoport, Harry Rand, Alex Rauch, Edith Robinson Jacob Rockower, Roland Rocker, Aaron Rokoff, Harry Rosen, Murray Rosen, Wilhelmina Rosenblum, Isidore Rubin, Sam Rubin. Hyman Saperstein, Gertrude Schefen, Edward Schelnberg, David Schreiber, William Schutz, George Schwartz, Helen Schylinski, Jennie Segal, Leo Seplowitz, Anna Shapiro, Seymour Shapiro, William Shapiro, Benjamin Shedler. Benjamin Shedler Benjamin Sher, Florence Sherman, Sigmund Shlakman, Edith Silver, Ethel Silverman, Sylvia Silverman, Samuel Simonoff, Isidore Simon, Sklar, Morris Skolnik, Bertha Albert Solomon, Sadie Slipyan, Irving Smith, Harry Smoler, Solomon, Audrey Spatz, Bertha Sperber, Israel Spivack, Isidore Starr, Leo Steinberg, Robert Sterinbach, Dora Sterling, Max Stern. Leo Sternberg, William Sultan, Peter Sushka, Rose Tirshfleld, Aaron Toder, Albert Toering.

Helen Tomaszewski, Mildred Trachtenberg, Felicia Venezia, David Waldman, David Warshawsky, Abraham Weiner, Harry Weinstein, Solomon Weiser, Esther Welskopf, Sadie Weissman. Minnie Weltman, Sidney Wexler, Isidore Wharton, Maribelle Wilco*ck. Benjamin Wolfman, Dorothy Wunderle, Beatrice Yapnick, Julius Young, Emanuel Zarr, Jerome Zauderer, May Zuckerman. Commercial Course: Jeannette Goldstein, Abraham Golland, Anna Gootnick, Aaron Gottlleb, Charles Greenberg. Rose Gudis, Ida Handelman, Harry Herman, Beatrice Horowithz, Beatrice Jacobs, Henry Jacobs Ruth Jaffe, Joseph Klipper, Julia Klyde, Pauline Krete, Albert Kraus, Mildred Landes, Mae Leinwald, Sylvia Levenson, Edward Litke, Katherine Loback, Anna Lutin, Ida Michlin, Anna Marcus, Lillian Miller, Louis MANY GRADUATE AT PUBLIC SCHOOL 173 The commencement exercises of Publio, School 173 (Liberty School) was held in the auditorium of the school, Pennsylvania avenue, between Liberty and Glenmore avenues.

In connection with the exercises a long program given and enjoyed. The diplomas were awarded by Dr. Charles O'Neill, District Superintendent. The graduates: 8B1, Clara M. Morris, teacher.

Boys: L. Angevine, P. Barkow, D. Basile, H. Becker, H.

Burrack, J. Collins, B. Flerstein, B. Gelber, L. Kantor, B.

Moore, P. Nettler, J. Priolo, C. Taffeen, H. Titleman, M.

Weiss. 8B1- I. Basarowitz, E. Broder, N. Eadleman, B.

Cohen, I. Cohn, R. Dellerio, E. Gelband, O. Glass, R.

Goldstein, M. Guster, S. Kleiger, S. Loogan, K. Mainella, M.

McLaughlin, R. Pelitsky, F. Rapps, L. Rosen, R. Rubin, M.

Rust, Shulowitz, Selgal, E. Silver, F. Sucher, A. White, H. Wisniesky.

8B2, C. D. Eldredge, teacher. Boys: 1. Bilowitz, H.

Bressner, J. Bronstein, L. Choinacki, G. Cohen, H. Frank, B.

Garelick, M. Goldstein, J. Koliff, A. Lelbowitz, R. Levin, I.

Nuzie, M. Oxhorn, A. Pastore, R. Pletrafese, M. Pinsky, G.

Springer, H. Sullnski. 832-Girls: F. Branca, M. ChristenC.

Contania, J. Dennis, J. D1 Martino, S. Greenfeld, M. Kuehne, M.

Lodico, R. Marmorale, O. Mastloianni, R. Mindes, S. Pearlman, F.

Pollack, A. Sobel, H. Toldrean, I. Trunk. 8B3, I.

K. Zwickel, teacher. Boys: J. Arnold, A. Braga, A.

Cohen, H. Delfino, O. Finkelstein, R. Fisher, M. Froomer, G.

Fulton, A. Gooodman, J. Genesheki, L. Herzog, M. Hochman, J.

Melzer, L. Ober, H. Rice, S. Rice, Rutstein, G. Scheppa, L.

Shapiro, H. Springer. 8B3-Girls: R. Brosman, S. Friedman, E.

Greenberg, F. Helman, J. Kaminsky, O. Kryulko, M. Levine, G.

Nowman, P. Newman, V. Niemczynski, E. Press, E. Rosenfield, M.

Skudiwitz, C. Strool, R. Tietlebaum, A. Tumba'ello, S. Kerzner, 8B4, L.

R. emith, Boys: Harry Alfieri, Isadore Borofsky, Frank Buccarlo, Dominick Carrvaggio, Geo. henezsky, Joe Goldstein, Sam Albert Haller, Irving Hororitz, Alex Jacobs, Morris Kelman, esse Kimmel, Hyman Milbrod, Israel Ayers, Adam Nizolick, Lawrence chleifer, Harry Seltzer, Stanley Shairo, Sollie Smolick, Max Strickman. 8B4-Girls: Dora Barraco, Pauline erger, Catherine Brooks, Beatrice Brotman, Kate Falco, Ethel Foesch, Rose Handelman, Gertrude Hoyt, eanette Hyman, Anna Kerr, Jeantte Nack, Anna Pechin, Sophie Pekwitz, Carmela Sabbatino, Gertrude Sadoff, Frances Sagginaris, Florence um. 8B5, Ina B.

Powiesland, teacher. Girls: Dora Bendick, Yetta Chiten, Mollie Cohen, Dora Depkowska, Lucy Devern, Mae Ebner, Vincenza G11- nna, Isabelle Grisaitis, Anna Katz, Dora Klukofsky, Fannie Levine, Fannie Neckanoff, Teresa Pacilio, VinPullzzi, Dorothy Salber, Clara Sassano, Helen Sikorski, Ruth Titamin. 8B5-Boys: Carl Abramowitz, Jacob Cohen, Leon Dinken, Morris Gizvet, John Grimm, Jack Lerman, Henry esczynski, Charles Markowitz, Louis Pearlman, Jacob Rosen, William Roenbloom, Lewis Smith, Morris Smoack, David Stern, Sidney Teller, Mihel Tornabene, Robert Toseland. 8B6, Florence A. Reilly, teacher, Boys: Edward' Apar, Morris Bittle-: man, Joseph Blezotsky, Zellck Cohen, Andrea De Vita, Bernard Frank, Anthony Glarraputo, David Goldberg, Archie Grossman, Morris Haimson, Sydney Jaffee, George Jankelevich, Charles Kuehne, Isadore Kuntzman, Herbert Levy, Ruben Rosenthal, Charles Starkey, Joseph Starkey.

836 -Girls: Esther Bayer, Ida Belgal, Sarah Brown, Fannie Cairo, Dora Deskal, Angeline De Gennaro, Emma Elchinger, Rachel Epstein, Minnie Goldstein, Dorothy Herring, Cella Holtzman, Jennie Kampista, Sylvia Lubatkin, Tessie Lukasiwisz, Bella Mendelsohn, Ruth Reich, Ruth Schwartz, Carrie Skolnick, Matilda Sovronsky. FREDERICK STADELMAN On Wednesday morning another of East New York's war heroes was laid to rest, Frederick Stadelman of 289 Warwick street. He was connected with Company- 108th Infantry, 27th Division, when he was gassed with mustard gas. As a result he developed tuberculosis, which caused his death. He was confined in an Australian Hospital, blind, for seven weeks.

On Wednesday morning six members of Ft. Hamilton: Post were at his home. They presented arms as his body was carried out and then marched around the block alongside the hearse to St. Michael's Catholic Church on Jerome street where services were held. Here again they presented arms as his flag covered casket was carried into the church.

He was buried in National Cemetery, Cypress Hills. Taps was sounded by members of the post and they fired three shots over his grave. Mr. Stadelman leaves a wife, two bables, a mother and two brothers. BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Geraldine Ward, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas M. Ward of 110 Highland place, celebrated her 14th birthday Saturday evening, surrounded by her classmates from Bishp McDonnell Memorial High School. The evening was given over to the enjoyment of a variety of games with prizes awarded to the winners. A musical program was rendered by Mrs.

Charles Kelly, Geraldine Ward and Janies Holwell, piano selections. A Charleston dance WAS given by Miss Marjorie Ward. Vocal selections were given by Billy Mace. Everyone Joined in dancing to lively music. The festive board was decorated with peonies.

Many dainties adorned the table. In the center rested a large birthday cake covered with fourteen candles. Pretty favors nestled at ench plate. Miss Geraldine was the recipient of many gifts, among them a platInum wrist watch and bracelet from her mother and father. The guests were: The Misses Geraldine and Marjorie Ward, Geraldine Moran, Helen Murphy, Edna Gavin, Muriel Callahan, Anna Holwell, Louise Eleanor Byrne; and James Holwell, Harold Schopp, Raymond Moran, Billy Mace, Jack' Shaw, Daniel Collins, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ward. CHILD HIT BY AUTO Caroline Beechhart, 11 years old, of 2583 Pitkin avenue, was crossing the street at Liberty.

avenue near Logan street, when she was struck by an automobile on Sunday. She suffered scalp lacerations and cuts on the face. She was attended by an ambulance surgeon and went home, W. Tiebout and Wife Home From Long Trip Mr. and Mrs.

William Tiebout of 163 Cleveland street, who sailed on the Steamer Mongolia on May 10 for the West, 1 have returned home looking as if the trip had done them a world of good. They arrived June 22. On leaving New York, a crowd of friends from the Ladles' Aid Association of the Arlington Avenue Presbyterian Church, of which Mrs. Tiebout had been a former vice-prestdent, and friends from the Fortnightly Club met at the pier and gave the travelers a rousing end -off, presenting them with candies, fruit and flowers. Mr.

and Mra. Tiebout proved themselves great sailors and considered themselves lucky in being able to stay on deck to admire the many beauties of nature AS they sailed along. At Harana, they left the bont and enjoyed a four hour ride inland where they saw the president's palace. They passed through the Panama Canal and were impressed with the workmanship. When they reached Balboa, they took a.

three hour ride inland and saw the officers' quarters at Panama. They viewed the gold altar which had been taken from the cathedral and destroyed by the Pirate Morgan. At Los Angeles they visited the Baptist Temple which has a large auditorium. They passed miles and miles of orange groves. They arrived at the Mohave desert where there 1s no vegetation but mesquite bushes.

They arrived at Needles, where they bought beaded bags from the Indians. The temperature was 107 degrees and sometimes 120 degrees. The Grand Canyon was reached on May 29. They stopped at the El Tobar Hotel which was made from logs. The Hopi Indians from the northwest part of Arizona entertained with a rain dance.

At Mission End, Riverside, they visited a Theological Seminary at which at one time the Rev. John H. Kerr, their former pastor at the Arlington Church, used to teach. On the way back to Los Angeles, they visited the oil fields and saw them in operation. A three day bus ride to Santa Barbara was then enjoyed.

They stopped at the Palace Hotel San Francisco. They took 8 Let mile trip around the peninsula, seeing the bird and seal islands and the home of Robert Louis Stevenson. They traveled by auto to the Redwoods and visited the Leland Stanford University. They ferried from San Francisco to Mill Valley to Mt. Tamalpais where luncheon was served them 2,500 feet above 503 level.

They came down by gravity to Muir Woods where they were able to admire the huge trees. At Feather River, they found the scenery very wild. They crossed the Mohave desert, 65 miles of marshes, whitened like clay, and arrived in Utah. They were stationed in Salt Lake City opposite the Mormon Temple. They crossed the Arkansas River and viewed the Royal Gorge, an awesome sight.

They visited Colorado Springs and stopped at the First Presbyterian Church, and listened to a sermon given by Dr. McDowell, pastor to Dr. Kerr. When they reached Chicago, they stopped at popular stores and feasted their eyes on the coming styles. Tired but happy.

the travelers returned to "Little old New York" June 23, at 11:45 a. m. Agnes De Monde Medal Awarded to Israel Podolsky The Agnes De Monde gold medal for proficiency WAS awarded to Israel Podolsky, 341 Wilson avenue, at the graduation exercises held at P. S. 116, Knickerbocker avenue and Grove street, last Tuesday.

The presentation was made by Mrs. Michael Dittman, chairman of the De Monde Gold Medal Award Committee, comprising Morris Smukler, Dr. Curtis M. Claassen, Rev. Otto Brand and Mrs.

M. Coleman, a teacher at the school. Mrs. De Monde, formerly principal of P. S.

116, retired several years ago and in appreciation of her work in the school, a citizens' committee formed a fund whereby her name is perpetuated in the medal award made yearly to pupils winning high marks in their studies during the course at school. TROOP 118, GIRL SCOUTS Parents night was held by Troop 118, Girl Scouts, at the Goodsell Memorial M. E. Church, Tuesday. The program follows: Solos, Edith Twing accompanied by Evelyn O'Conner: fancy dance in costume, Dorothy Everts, accompanied by her mother; Dutch dance in costume, Dorothy Seward accompanied by Evelyn O'Connor; cuet by Vera Fleur and Dorothy Fegeler accompanied gy Gertrude Anders; recitation, Pearl Robinson.

A campfire scene was part of the program. In the centre of the stage was a "camp fire." The girls made their appearance as they would on hike, with their lunch. Some had brought bathing suits, They put on a camp sketch. Each one was natural and as a climax they Invested a new scout, Dorothy Everts, Ada Jongman led the girls in songs. The patrol leaders were Janet Krom, Helen Beyer, Leona Patri and Ethel Stein.

Those in this scene were: Helen Goelz, Bernice Bortzner, Bentrice Sewart, Dorothy Sewart, Gertrude Anders, Vera Fleming, Tootsle Wolf, Mary Haddod, Mildred Twing, Lillian Gayer, Dorothea Neuhauser, Helen Neuhauser, Dolly Fegler and Dorothy Everts. Helen Menze of Christ Church troop was a guest. At. the conclusion of the program everybody paid dues with the scouts and this money was used for refreshments. The girls served lemonade and crackers.

Captain DeRemer announced that Leona Patri and Ethel Stein had finished their second class work and Leona had won an observer's merit badge. George Haddod, junior assistant scoutmaster of Troop 20 of Goodsell, and Arthur Ralph, patrol leader of Troop 200, ware of great assistance to the girls, helping them to take down the scenery. Warren Ziegler, patrol leader of Troop 127, played taps and other calls on the bugle. The troop felt honored. to have Vera Ortheus of 476 Grant avenue.

Vera started Troop 118 and kept it until Captain DeRemer took it over and registered it. She is now with two troops, captain of one and lieutenant of the other. In the spring of 1927 she was a Golden Eaglet. She was called to the platform to join the other "hikers At 8 meeting recently It was planned that patrol lenders be chosen. Each leader will see how many merits her patrol can get and how many she can pass in second class work.

BERRIMAN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL The Rev. Jacob Probst, pastor of Trinity P. E. Church, Wednesday afternon, stressed the importance of a good education in an address delivered at the commencement exercises of the Berriman Junior High School (P. S.

64), Belmont avenue and Berriman street. Another strong address on education was also made by the Rev. Maxwell L. Sacks, Rabbi of Temple Sinai. Henry L.

O'Brien, chairman of the Local School Board, presided. William Kurz is principal. The program was A well balanced one. It took more than two hours to complete. An address of greetings.

was made by Dr. Charles O'Neill, District Superintendent. The music was furnished by the school orchestra. The graduates: Industrial CourseLena Albert, Ethel Berland, Ruth Gach, Dora Greenhouse, Lillian Koppel, Carmella Roca, Eva Leibowitz, Ray Rabinowitz, Mary Sagona, Theresa Silverman, Harold Bragg, William Batsche, Joseph Bennett, Harold Cohen, Rosario Domino, William Fischer, Herbert Greene, Frank Locascio, Leonard Quirino, Robert Ropinsky, Benjamin Waxberg, Morris Zaslowsky, Mildred Brodsky, Catherine Draghi, Jane M. Errante, Adele L.

Ehrlich, Rose Henig, Florence Koczan, Amelia L. Kerber, Elizabeth H. Oswald, Ruth R. Rothwell, Yolanda M. Sabbio, Dorothy Selinger, Goldie Stutsky, Kate Washuta, Benjamin Blustein, Alexander Cohen, Stanley Demeloitz, Charles Demilte, Fonnu F.

Fredericko, Charles Geller, Hyman Goldstein, Benjamin Krifchin, John La Rocca, Abraham Lamont, Milton Levy, Eladio Menendez, Victor W. Nuncio, Samuel Prescod, Albert Scholz, Michael Tabachnick, Theodore Verhey. General Course- -Sadie Arbesfeld, Fannie Berger, Ethel Kravitz, Jessie Martell, Clara Meyerson, Gussie Shenkin, Lillian Strom, Minnie Vitale, Weinsaft, Doris Weng, Sarah Zaifert, Max Aig, Milton Appelbaum, Sidney Bofshever, Joseph Brooks, Sidney Debin, Leon Friedman, Isidore Golden, Arthur Goldenberg, Lawrence Goodman, Irving Gorin, Harry Josephson, John Klincewicz, Irving Lerner, Hyman Levine, George Littenberg, Oscar Malina, Joseph Moriber, Michael Moskowttz, Archie Patterson, Abraham Portnoy, Bernard Postofsky, Morris Skilowitz, Jack Wantman, Meyer Weinberg, Louis Weinstein, Albert Wiese, Zloblin, Ruth Becker, Ruth F. Bell, Pearl Bresnick, Matilda Dickstein, Mary Geldzahler, Hilda Grees, Ciara Kaufman, Rose May, Ruth Olinsky, Frances Ragonese, Dorothy L. Echmukler, Emanuel Bader, Jacob DI Lorenzo, Isidore Faber, Eugene Goodsmith, Israel Guttoff, Sol Hollander, Jack Okun, BernRock, Edward Rosenberg.

Irving Seymore Solomon, James Sol Tashman, Philip Trachrtz, Sidney Weinfeld, H. Abraham Weissman, Morris Wolfset, Martin Wolkoff. P. S. 75 Mothers' Club Bus Ride to "Coney" The annual bus ride of the Mothers' Club of P.

S. No. 75, Wyona street, was held on Monday to the seashore camp for the members of the Brooklyn and Queens Kindergarten Clubs, at Seaside Park, Coney Island. Beforo leaving for the ride, the members gathered in the kindergarand presented a surprise gift to their president, Miss Alice Baker, who 1s to be married in August. After the presentation the merrymakers climbed aboard four buses At their destination the mothers were shown over the camp.

The party divided into groups and enjoyed various amusem*nts at the island. Those who enjoyed the ride were: Mrs. Hoeppner, Mrs. Ferrara, Mrs. Block, Mrs.

Bricken, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Gaster, Mrs. Nitnick, Mrs. McNamara, Mrs.

Bauer, Florence Bauer, Mrs. Kekelhorn, Mrs. Bender, Mrs. Mohnarl, Mrs. Curran, Mrs.

Ralph, Mrs. Hickey, Mrs. Tynan, Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Nuber, Mrs.

Yynan, Mrs. Heyen, Mrs. Brenel, Mrs. Mandel, Mrs. Friedman, Weiss, Mrs.

Bangs, Mrs. Sheehan, Mrs. Lillie, Mrs. Vanderho*r, Mrs. Theune, Mrs.

Frazer, Mrs. Coruhus, Mrs. Barbara, Mrs. Provisor, Mrs. Henry, Mrs.

Kelly, Mrs. Schwartzman, Mrs. Raffo, Mrs. Mack, Mrs. Macklin, Jean and Marietta Macklin, Mrs.

Halpern, Mrs. Schroeter, Dorothy and Louls Schroeter, Mrs. Holden, Mrs. Paterno, Mrs. Pflugfelder, Mrs.

Nicklas, Janet Nicklas, Mrs. Owens, Miss Alice Baker, Samuel and Betty Holden. Marguerite Reynolds Held Annual Exhibit A dancing exhibition was given by the pupils of Miss Marguerite Reynolds in Y. W. C.

A. Memorial Building, 3rd avenue and Atlantic avenue, Friday evening, June 22. An opening song was sung by Florence Murphy and followed by "Playtime," a novelty group numbered to represent the coming vacation time. This was followed by solo features by Arthur Storti and Florence Murphy also ensemble dancing. The second part of the program was opened with a banjo trio, Miss Bessie Reynolds, James Denike and William Butler.

A violin solo was played by Mr. Denike. Miss Reynolds danced, while Mrs. Mable Gels King sang. The following took part in the program: Florence Murphy, Alice and Mary Cassidy, Lucille Kilgallen, Veronica Rtelly, Edna Johnson, Rosemary Guarnieri, Mary Heevey, Arthur Storti, Josephine Reynolds, Christine Benar, Miss Bessie Reynolds, James Denike, William Butler, Mable Gelseking, Miss Florence Meehan.

CLUB PLANS OUTING The Mothers' Club of P. S. No. 214. Pitkin and Forbell avenues, held its monthly meeting last Thursday In the auditorium.

Plans for the summer were made. Mrs. Hays was in the chair. The club will hold an cuting for the children on July 17. They will meet at Grant avenue and 0 by bus to Baisley Park.

Games will be played and prizes given the inners. On July 23 an outing will be held for the mothers. They will 0 by bus, meeting at Grant avenue, nd the destination will be Steeplehase, Coney Island. The mothers also planned to give two $5 goldpieces 0 honor graduates, one for a girl and he other for a boy. After the meetng refreshments were served.

This was the closing meeting for the year. -Mr. and Mrs. James Warren of 219 East 25th street have announced the Helen Elizabeth Warren, to James J. engagement of their daughter, Miss Porter, son of Dr.

and Mrs. Charles E. Porter of Ithaca. Both Miss Warren and Mr. Porter are graduates of Cornell.

The wedding will take place at Thanksgiving, CONGRESSMAN O'CONNELL GREETS IRISH PRESIDENT During a brief stay in Paris it was learned that Congressman David J. O'Connell, of the Ninth District, Brooklyn, visited President Cosgrave of the Irish Free State while In According, to advices Just received, the visit was most pleasant one. The Brooklyn representative was decidedly Impressed with the Free State Executive. "I think that Ireland has a very bright future and that Cosgrave Is the right man for the present situation there," said. As a member of the House Committee on Foreign Relations, has supervision over the $10,000,000 fund for the purchase of embassies abroad.

Congressman O'Connell visIted the residence of Ambassador Stirling in Phoenix Park at Dublin. He said the American Ambassador lived on a fine old estate entirely In keeping with the dignity and importance of the government he represented, but that many American diplomats abroad were not so happily situated. Robert Smith Dies in Elevated Train Robert Smith, 42 years old, of 86- 67 108th street, Richmond HIll, WAS riding in the middle car of a Jamaica elevated train bound for Jamaica, Monday, when he became 1ll. At the Woodhaven boulevard station Smith was carried to the platform where Traffic Policeman William Suttle gave first aid treatment while waiting the arrival of an ambulance surgeon from Jamaica Hospital. When the surgeon arrived he pronounced Smith dead from heart disease.

AWARDS AT JEFFERSON Arthur L. Crossley, dean of boys at the Thomas Jefferson H. made the following non -athletic awards to boys at a special assembly Wednesday, Edward' Berly, Max Deutch, Maurice Goldberg, Sachen Kantrowitz, Sid Miller, Abe Klayman, H. Schnelder, B. Schwartz, Max Schucard, charms for special squad work; Abe Botshever, president of the senior class, special award for service to the school; Paul Snyder, Gabriel Rosenthal, Lloyd Seidman, Max Schucard, Louis Landweber, Nathan Rubin, Aaron Hirschfeld, Abe Klayman and Jacob Kivantinetz were also honored; George Margolin, G.

O. president, A medal for oratory. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Hays, president of the Mothers' Club of P. S.

No. 214, of East New York, reached another birthday on Tuesday day and celebrated It with a party at her home on 75th street. The ladies played bunco. Mrs. Enright, Mrs.

Wasserman and. Mrs. Veron won prizes. At the conclusion of the game all were invited into the dining room which was decorated with pink and blue and in the centre of the table was a large birthday cake. Mrs.

Hays was the recipient of many gifts. Those present were: Mrs. Stiers, Mrs. Enright, Mrs. Veron, Mrs.

Dingley, Mrs. LaSalle, Miss Madeline Yeander, Mrs. Kornblum, Mrs. Wasserman, Mrs. Joseph, Mrs.

King and Miss Edna Hays. DEATHS HENRIETTA FOSTER Funeral services were held at 8 o'clock Wednesday night for Henrietta Foster, widow of William H. Foster, who died Monday at her home, 88-24 77th street, Woodhaven. She was born in Brooklyn 82 years ago. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs.

Carl Burrows, two sons, William S. and Benjamin, and thirteen grandchildren. Interment at 2:30 p. m. Thursday at Cypress Hills Cemetery.

SOPHIA BOSSONG Sophia Bossong died June 21 at her home, 410 Linden street. She was born in Brooklyn sixty-six years ago. She is 2 survived by her husband, William: three sons, Frank, Joseph and William Bossong; two daughters, Emma and May Bossong, and eight grandchildren. The funeral was held Monday at 10 a. with a requiem mass at the R.

C. Church of St. Brigid. Interment at St. John's Cemetery.

WILLIAM C. HAUSCHILD William C. Hauschild died June 22 at his home, 616 Halsey street. He was born in New York City 42 years ago and was employed as a collector in the printing business. Mr.

Hauschild is survived by a widow, Cora Hauschild; one brother and two sisters. Funeral services were held at his late home Tuesday at 8 p. m. and interment took place Monday Lutheran Cemetery. MYRTIS M.

FISH Miss Myrtis M. Fish, who has made her home for many years with her sister, Dr. Mary W. Fleckles of, 255 Macon street, died on Saturday morning after a short illness. The funeral service was held on Sunday evening at her residence, Dr.

William Carter of the Throop Avenue Presbyterian Church being the of- ficiating clergyman. Dr. Carter paid a beautiful tribute to Miss Fish, whose life, he said, had been passed in caring for the unfortunate and those who had strayed from the path of uprighteousness. The parlors were crowded with women who had been associated with her in welfire work. Miss Fish was born in Phoenix, N.

but lived all her life in Brook17n. She was a graduate of the New York Law School and the first wonan to practice law In Long Island. but becoming deeply interested in he trials and troubles of girls in a big city, she gave up her law practice order to assume the position of a probation officer. For 22 years she worked about the New York courts and for 8 number of years was connected with the Women's Night Court. Ten years ago, when the Brooklyn Welcome Home for Girls was established by the late Mrs.

Miss Fish and her siser, Dr. Fleckles, took a vivid interest 12 the new enterprise, and have both been connected with it ever since, Dr. Fleckles as president of the board 1 directors and Miss Fish as one of he directors. She was always an ctive figure at the bazaars and receptions held at the home and was heartily delighted when the Welcome Home was moved this spring to its present palatial quarters at 139 Bainbridge street. She WAS member of the Women Lawyers' Association and the Society of Old Brooklynites.

Miss Fish came of 8 family which is deeply interested in polities. Her brother is Municipal Court Justice Lawrence Fish; her sister, Dr. Fleckles, is vice-president the Women's Organization of the 17th Assembly District Republican Club, and her nephew, Robert S. Fleckles, is president of the Young Feople's Republican Club of the 17th Assembly District. The interment WAS at Phoenix, N.

Y. Edward F. Grogan died Saturday at his home, 230 Hewes street. He formerly WAS resident of the 13th Ward of Manhattan, where he was born. He was for many years a parishioner of the R.

C. Church of the Transfiguration. He was a son of the late John and Rose Grogan. He is survived by a brother, William Grogan, and two sisters, Catherine and Margaret Grogan. The funeral was held at 10 a.

m. Tuesday, with a requiem mass at the R. C. Church of the Transfiguration. Interment at Calvary Cemetery.

EDWARD F. GROGAN JOHN J. DONOVAN John J. Donovan died Saturday at Saranac Lake, N. Y.

He was a life resident of Brooklyn and was formerly a parishioner and graduate of the R. C. Church of St. Anne and the parochial school attached to the church. He was employed by the Brooklyn Union Gas Company.

He was 8 member of Malone Lodge, B. P. O. Elks, 1301, and Malone Council, K. of Saranac Lake Post of the American Legion, and the Vetcrans of Wars.

He is survived by his parents, Mary and John, and a brother, Francis J. Donovan The funeral was held from 38 Lafayette avenue at 2 p. m. Tuesday and Interment was at the National Cemetery, Cypress Hills. JOHN MORRISSEY John Morrissey, husband of Mary Morrissey, died last week at his home, 7010 Woodhaven boulevard, near Metropolitan avenue.

He was born in Ireland and lived in Brooklyn for forty years. He is survived In addition to his widow, by 8 son, Dennis, and five daughters, Florence, Nora, Mrs. Eugene Riley, Mrs. Geo. Cooke and Mrs.

Arnold Watson. He was 8 member of the Holy Name Soclety of St. Cecilia's R. C. Church, where requiem mass was celebrated at 9:30 a.

Monday. Interment was at Calvary Cemetery. ELIZABETH SCHMELTZER Funeral services were held at 2 p. Tuesday, at Trinity Reformed Church, Prospect avenue and Palmetto street, Ridgewood, for Elizabeth Schmeltzer, who died June 22, in her thirty-fourth year, at her home, 7705 72nd street, Glendale. She was the daughter of Otto and Maria Schmeltzer and is also survived by a sister, Ottille, and a brother, William Schmeltzer.

Funeral services were held at 8 p. m. Monday at her late home. Interment Tuesday was at Lutheran Cemetery, LOUISE GRIMM Louise. Grimm, born in New York City, April 9, 1876, died Saturday at her home, 101-52 112th street, Richmond HIll.

survived by her husband, Ferdinand; sons, Ferdinand and George Daniel; and a brother, William L. Wenger. Funeral services were held Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, by Dr. John L. Clark, pastor of the Bushwick Avenue Congregational Church.

Interment was Wednesday at 2 p. m. at Lutheran Cemetery. ADELE F. COTTLE Adele Fisher Cottle died June 22 at her home, 77 Stanhope street.

She was born in Brooklyn, the daughter of Charles and Adeline Fisher, and in addition to her parents she is survived by her husband, John Cottle; one son, John, two daughters, Dorothy and Margaret Cottle; one brother, Charles Fisher, two sisters, Mrs. Anna Mowat and Mrs. Catherine Hampton. She was a member of St. Barbara's R.

C. Church, where a solemn requiem mass was celebrated Monday at 9 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery, JOSEPHINE R. LALLY Josephine Rack Lally died Thursday of last week at her home.

6517 Perry avenue, Maspeth. She was 8 life resident of Brooklyn and is sur vived by her husband, James; a daughter, Josephine; two sons. Patrick and John; two sisters, Mrs. T. Casorastro and Mrs.

Anna Shields, and two brothers, William J. and Albert J. Rack. The funeral was held at 9:30 a. m.

Monday with a requiem mass at the R. C. Church of St. Stanislaus, Maspeth. Interment was at St.

John's Cemetery. WILLIAM REA The death of William Rea, a well known and highly respected citizen, occurred at his. home, 83-27 74th place, Woodhaven, on Thursday morning. June 21, at the age of 71 years. Born in Ireland, Mr.

Rea, when 8 young man migrated to this country where he engaged with success in the tea business until suddenly stricker by the illness which caused his death a week later. Mr. Rea, carly in life associated himself with the work of the United Presbyterian Church, in which he continued active until a few days before his death, He was a charter member of the Westminster United Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn, where he served as an elder and trustee for over thirty years, as well as being active in other organizations. He was a member of the Oddfellows. The funeral services were held from the church on Sunday afternoon, by the Rev.

MacIntosh MacLeod, assisted by Rev. Dr. L. O. Rotenbach, pastor of Bethany Presbyterian Church, where large congregation testified to the esteem in which he was held.

The sympathy of A large circle of friends goes out to the bereaved family and relatives. ELIZABETH D. EIDENWEIL Funeral servines were held at 8 p.m. Monday for Elizabeth Dittmer Eldenweil, who died June 22, at her 1667 Cornelia street. She is survived by her husband, John and a son, Gustav E.

She was 8 member of Camp 49, P. 0. of A. Interment at 2 p. m.

Tuesday at at Lutheran Cemetery, Miller, Harry Moskowitz, Sarah, Moskowitz, Nathan Pollack, Mary Purow, Helen Reichenthal Laura Reiss, Minnie Risoli, Russell, Harry Saltzman, John Savalli, Etta Schrler, Jacob Seltzer, Abraham Sherman, Anna Silbert, Freda Smuckler, William Starr, Ruby Umflat, Marie Volz, Vorndran, Lola Weiss, George Wetterauer, Sylvia Weltzner, Gussie Wilenski, Helen Wolf. Senior class officers: Cecil Amdur, president; Virginia Perchal, vicepresident; Harry Millstein, treasurer; Harry Herman, secretary. Grade advisors: Mrs. A. Grotian, Mr.

A. Artale. Director of music, Jacques Wolfe. ST. MICHAEL'S SCHOOL GRADUATION EXERCISES Graduation exercises of St.

Michael's School, Jerome street and Liberty avenue, were held on Sunday, 24, boys and Monday, June 25, for the girls. The program for the boys was A long and enjoyable one. The June graduates were as follows: William Altenburg, Ferdinand Bachman, George Bednartz, Fred Bennert, Frank Bond, William Brittner, Joseph Casazza, John Clancia, Alex D'Agostino, Paul Evers, Richard Flanagan, Lawrence Huettle, Emlen Jones, Otto May, William August Morgenthaler, Joseph Murphy, nell, Anthony Ott, Joseph Pfeuffer, Edward Neugebauer, Frank O'DonJohn Pressinger, Paul Ripp, Leonard Roessner, Edwin Rucker, Frank Schloman, Joseph Schmitt, Robert Shelare, Edward Sulzbach, Frank Tillman. Ferdinand Bachman received the prize of 8 set of books from the Usher Society as the best all-round scholar. Bernard Jansen spoke of the scholarship course given by the St.

Joseph Society, which was presented to Joseph Murphy, entitling him to a complete free high school course. Mr. Jansen also praised the boys on their good showing and hoped they will strive for better and higher education. The program given by the girls was also enjoyed. The prize of the Usher Society, consisting of a gold chain and scapular medal for the best all-round scholar was presented to Regina Jourdan.

At both exercises Rev. Father Peter, O. pastor of the church, addressed the graduates. The June graduates were as follows: Beatrice Agar, Marion Barrett, Rosanna Bligh, Florence Burkardt, Emily Colasanti, Rita Conway, Rita Corcoran, Anna Corderman, Agnes Essig, Mary Essig, Carmela Furey, Marcella Hoffmann, Hohner, Anna Homann, Mildred 1 nung, Dorothy Horsting, Helen Jablonski, Regina Jourdan, Sylvia LaPolla, Marion Lynam, Grace McCarthy, Lucy Messer, Margaret Mohr, Rita O'Brien. Ottmann, Marie Rakebrandt.

Frances Schlosser, Catherine Schwenzer, Marie Sulzbach, Marie Zarnitz. P. S. NO. 76.

BROOKLYN For the first time in many years the graduation exercises of Public School 76. Wyona street, between Fulton street And Jamaica avenue, were held in the school on Wednes day. Heretofore, they have been conducted at Public School 173, Pennsylvania avenue. The addresses the graduates were made by Henry L. O'Brien.

Chairman of Local School Board of East New York and William T. Prost, Secretary of the Highland Park M. O. A. The presentation of medals and diplomas was made by Dr.

Charles O'Neill, District Superintendent, The school orchestra was led by Miss Dorothy E. Austin. The graduates: John T. Armet, Alfred J. Berger, Morton Berk, Alfred F.

Brunnemann, John Fogarty, Daniel E. Froeschauer, Clifford J. Hesse, Louis D. Izzo, Max L. Moldawsky, Leroy J.

Stein, James E. Woods, Olga R. Grochola, Ruth C. Heisel, Adelaide B. Heyen, Evelyn A.

Lichtenstein, Lillian H. Lichtenstein, Stephena M. Molfetta, Beatrice Rosen, Dorothy M. Scheuer, Jean Schwenck, Annette L. Weisman, Virginia T.

Wilson. Graduates of Trinity High Given Diplomas Diplomas were presented to seventeen graduates of Holy Trinity High School Sunday night at exercises held In the high school auditorium, Montrose and Graham avenues. The Rev. John C. Gunzelman director of Chaminade College, Washington, D.

delivered the address to the graduates. He urged them to continue their studies and to aspire to Catholic leadership. The diplomas were presented by the Rev, George A. Metzger, pastor of the Church of the Most Holy Trinity, and the Rev. Alexander J.

Ott, S.M., principal of Trinity. Father Metzger took occasion to express his thanks to the Brothers of Mary, who compose the faculty, for their co-operation in the management of the instltution. The music for the commencement exercises was provided by the combined 5 high school and Trinity Holy Name orchestra. Walter J. Conlon delivered the salutatory address; George N.

Tilgner, the oration. discussing the "Spirit of Americanism," and Ferdinand A. Ritti was the valedletorian. The graduates were Arthur E. Barnes, Gerard T.

Bourguignon, Walter J. Conlon, Charles G. Dileo, Martin J. Gyves, Edmund F. Haggarty, Charles F.

Harth, Otto D. Herrmann, John J. McCambridge, Edwin F. Nied, Christopher D. Quinn, Cornelius F.

Randhare, Ferdinand A. Ritti. William B. Tennant, George N. Tugner, Michael A.

Tschupp and Henry J. Wieman, Jr. RENEE'S BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. Chas.

Firmbach gave party to their daughter Renee on her 6th birthday, June 23, at their home, 9422 132nd avenue, Ozone Park. All the little girls and boys of her neighborhood were invited. They played games and danced and recited, each one doing something. Then all marched to the dining room which was decorated in and blue. The children received funny hats an little saxophones as souvenirs.

Renee recelved many gifts. As all sat around the table, a flash-light picture was taken of them. Those present were: Ellen and Billy Schneider, Anna and Junior Schwartz, Marie Stamm, Jackie Finnegan, Ruth O'Brien, Margaret Rizzo, Evelyn. and Jackie Graham, Genevieve Reed. Jure and Emil List, Elbert Schussler, William Conrad.

Bobby Rikel of Bellrose, Arthur Watur and Renee Firmbach. KUNIGUNDA HORNBERGER Funeral services were held at 2 p. Monday, for Kunigunda Hornberger, widow of Louis Hornberger, who died Friday at her home, 980 Decatur street. She was born in Brooklyn about seventy-five years ago and is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Collins, Mrs.

Greaney, Mrs. Selle and Mrs. Smith, and three sons, Frederick, Louis and John Hornberger. Interment will follow at Evergreens Cemetery, RUDOLPH PIRKER Rudolph Pirker, 8 well known builder of Glendale, died Thursday of last week in his nity third year. He is survived by his wife, Augusta Pirker: one daughter, Hirs.

Rose George and one son, Arthur. He was a member of Von Menach Lodge, F. and A. Ridgewood Lodge, I. 0.

O. Moose: Order of Odd Fellows and Osta Deutscher U. N. S. T.

Verein. Funeral services were held Saturday night at 8 o'clock at his home, 338 Slocum street, Glendale. Interment took place at 2 p. m. at Mt.

Olivet Cemetery. CAROLINE KRAUSE Caroline Krause died Thursday of last week in her eighty-sixth year. She was born in Germany and resided in Brooklyn for the past twentyfive years. She lived at 7032 67th street, Glendale. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs.

Anna Gropper, Mrs. Augusta Sauer and Mrs. Wanda Yesse; five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Funeral services at her late home were held Sunday at 2 p. m.

The Rev. Henry M. Wertz of St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, officiating. Interment was at Lutheran Cemetery, FRANK TRAVERS Funeral services were held at 8 o'clock Monday night at the funeral chapel, 15 Palmetto street, for Frank Travers, who died Saturday in his seventy-ninth year at his home In Elmont.

He was born in Germany and had been a resident of Brooklyn and Long Island for seventy-three years. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Marie Berry, and three grandchildren, Frances, George and Anna Berry. Interment Tuesday, morning, was in Evergreens Cemetery, JOHN PAUL Requiem mass was celebrated at 9 A. M.

Wednesday at the R. C. Church of St. Mathias for John Paul, who died Sunday in his seventy-first year at his home, 1920 Putnam avenue. He was born in Germany and had been a resident of Brooklyn for fortyfive years.

He was retired from the B. M. T. lines after forty years continuous service. He was a member of St.

Mathias Holy Name Society, He is survived by his widow. Margareta: a son, Max; three daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher, Mrs. Madalena Lutz and Margareta Paul, and seven grandchildren. Interment at St.

John's Cemetery. EUGENE KOCH Eugene Koch died June 22 in his Bleecker street. He is survived by eighty-fifth, 3 sear at his home, 29 three daughters, Miss L. Elizabeth Koch, Mrs. K.

Dorothea Gesele and Mrs. Isabelle Baer. The funeral serviccs were held at 8 o'clock Menday night at his a late home. He was a member of Doric Lodge, 280, F. A.

which also Held services Monday night. Interment at 2 p. m. Tuesday at Lutheran Cemetery. DAVID JAMES David James, a veteran of the Civil War, died Saturday at his home, 1374 Bushwick Avenue.

He is survived by A brother, Samuel James. The funeral was held at 2:30 p. m. Tuesday and Interment followed at the National Cemetery, Oypress Hills. WILLIAM T.

MARTIN William Thomas Martin died Sunday at his home, 21 Pilling street. He was born in Fredericksburg, and had been a resident of Brooklyn for ten years. He is survived by his widow, Emma; a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Kessler, and two grandchildren. The funeral was held at 11 a.

m. Monday from the funeral chapel, 1857 Broadway, and the funeral services and interment were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at Fredericksburg, Va. ELIZABETH BENEDICT BOOTH Mrs.

Elizabeth Benedict Booth, widow of William White Booth, 73 years old, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Albert C. Bunn, 84-07 122nd street. Kew Gardens, on Thursday, June 21. She had lived with Mrs, Bunn for twenty-five years.

She WAS a faithful communicant of the Church of the Resurrection, Richmond Hill, a loyal supporter and con-4 scientious worker of the church in the church school, as a member of St. Mary's Gulld, a member of the board of the Church Charity Foundation and chairman of the Church Prayer League. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Arthur R. Cummings, rector of the church, on Friday, June 22.

Interment was in Vergennes, Vt. Mrs. Booth is survived by Mrs. Bunn and three grandchildren. SOME of our customers tell us that our Job Printing Service is the quickest and best in Brooklyn.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.