Moving into the World of Streamers - Chapter 27 - TD23 (2024)

Chapter Text


*AAAAAHYYYYIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!* Jaime squeaks upon being whipped by Emma. A mix of pain and pleasure runs through her bent over body as she is tied up next to Lily.
The two petite girls have surprisingly sturdy, metal handcuffs wrapped around their wrists. The kind you would find in a medieval dungeon, yet with the minor difference that they are fluffy on the inside. Light blue for Jaime, and bright pink for Lily.
They are clearly designed to provide a certain visual appeal to the dominant partner while also accommodating those with milder tastes.

Jaime and Lily are both on all fours. Their arms are pulled to the front while their feet are fixated right underneath their ass cheeks. A butt plug each has been inserted into their tightest hole, pulling their butts up as if they were on a hook. Their puss*es are fully on display.
Obviously, if the two hooked girls simple stopped using their leg muscles to stay in that ‘face down, ass up’ position, then the butt plugs attached to the thick, brown rope would never have the strength to hold the naked women up. Again, it’s more about the visual appeal. Despite the reality being a little different, visually speaking, both Lily and Jaime are securely tied up and displayed like two hot pieces of meat. Anyone could have their way with them, in any way they please.


Lily screams, grinning from ear to ear and happily laughing for a few seconds after the initial pain subsided.
Giggling, she asks: “Tell me again why you are whipping us right now? It’s just too funny!”


“Stupid question” Emma playfully mocks. “Cause you deserve it, slu*t” she teases Lily with a grin before taking a long, deep and sensual lick across Lily’s wet puss* lips with her lustful tongue. Emma then moves to the other side of the bent over girl, kissing her passionately, making Lily taste herself. Emma ends the kiss with a cute peck on Lily’s puckered lips, returns to her position behind the helpless girls, and gives Jaime some attention.


“I told you, I’m testing these new whips I bought, I want his birthday gift to be of top-notch quality!

“So we’re just quality testing for you?” Jaime speaks, breathing heavily from the pain, yet still enticingly shaking her ass to get Emma’s attention.

Jaime’s entire body shivers to mitigate the pain.

“Of course! You know what a bitch Bella is! I bet she’s gonna be a huge brat even at his birthday party, so I need to make sure my gift is well suited to whip her right back to her place. On her knees, that is, if anyone was confused” Emma jokes while lovingly caressing one of the black whips in her hand, as if it was a head with hair. Then she uses it on Lily.

*AAAAAHHHHHHHIIIII!!!!!!*Oh my gooood….” “are you by any chance hitting harder and harder? Does this turn you on? Does whipping two tiny, innocent girls turn you on? Do you love how we’re helplessly tied up for you with our cute, naked little asses and puss*es fully exposed? Do you----”



Emma quickly whips Lily three times, interrupting her dirty talk. “Business now, pleasure later” she says, hiding the fact how wet Lily’s dirty talk just got her. Had Emma let Lily continue, she would’ve quickly started having fun with them in other ways. Lily’s puss* tasted sooo f*cking good when she licked it before, and you designed a few new strap-on variations Emma is really excited to try out. One of them gets thicker the faster you f*ck a girl, and another one even rotates.
There is also one that c*ms out of both ends, meaning that the girl f*cking another girl gets a simulated creampie when her sub c*ms as well, although Jodi stole that one already and is most likely using both ends on herself. She is kind of addicted to cum. More than the rest.

Wanting to draw attention to herself again, Jaime teases: “And why did you pick us two to test your pathetic whips on?”

It works, and Jaime gets her wish. *OOUUUH FUCUUK YEAHHHHHHHHHH~~~~* she lets out a breathless moan.

“Well, Lily is just into BDSM” Emma teases, letting her hand run across Lily’s smooth, red cheeks before spanking her with a flat hand. “I mean, adding this section to the sex gym was pretty much her idea. It would be unfair to have anyone else be among the first to experience its… perks” Emma grins, fingering the squirming girl to an intense org*sm. Lily’s moans make it clear that she wishes the BDSM section had been installed during the Harem Olympics. Oh well, maybe next year

“And you, my tiny little slu*t” Emma turns her attention to Jaime, sneakily approaching her from behind. Jaime can feel Emma's teasing breath on her hot skin as Emma slowly moves her head along Jaime's exposed body until they are face to face, Emma’s dominant gaze meeting Jaime’s eyes. The pillow princess lets out a shallow moan being looked at like that, almost cumming from the tingling sensation alone as she is stared into submission.
Well you… You just like the attention” Emma grins, spanking Jaime with her hand and then beginning to finger her ass, squeezing two fingers into Jaime’s tight hole beside the already large butt plug. Jaime moans and squirms, almost losing the strength in her legs to keep herself in position.
“You just want to be part of it” Emma continues her smirking tease. “I could be standing here with a cattle prod, and you’d be sad if I didn’t test it on you”
Emma kisses Jaime’s blushing face. It’s obvious that she’ll be cumming any moment.
“It doesn’t matter how or with what, you just like to be used

Emma seductively whispering that last part right into Jaime’s ear is enough to drive her over the edge. slu*ttily, she screams out to her owner:




The day of your birthday

You wake up with a nervous tingle in your spine but do your best to shake it off and smile. Today is my birthday! you grin as you stretch your arms and roll your shoulders a little bit. Sydney planned a whole party at the OTV house for me… they said I wasn’t allowed to peek, but they did send one teaser with Emi and Jodi lying naked beneath some lights with a suggestive fluid sprinkled across their perky, nude breasts… they are really making it look like a festival, You chuckle. Last night, you saw them testing the lights while looking at their house through your window. As you noticed when you moved in, you can see the OTV house from your penthouse. Funnily enough, this has mostly come in handy for the girls, since they all bought binoculars and every so often Poki or maybe Jodi might come by and insist on getting f*cked right against the glass walls – they never really told you the reason for this, although you do have your suspicions.

After showering, you eat some cereal for breakfast while wearing only some black boxers and looking out the window. This is the first birthday since I was a child where there will be a celebration… with so many people that love and care about me too…

Lost in thought you just move your spoon in the milk, forgetting to actually eat. It’s a surreal feeling… I hope everything will be alright…


Lately you’ve developed more of an open-door policy while you are at home. You’ve been sharing the door codes with your girls for a while now, and even though they accept your reasons, they do think it is a bit odd for you to have such a tight security measure in place. Then again, with an elevator leading straight into your apartment, it isn’t unreasonable to take precautions, especially considering your wealth.
Either way, for the past couple of weeks, the number lock with the weekly changing combination has been gone. Instead, a fingerprint sensor, programmed with all the girls' prints, has been installed, meaning that Emi has been wrapped around your co*ck almost every night. While for Miyoung it was a romantic reason that led her to sleep with your dick inside her, Emi just wants to save the few seconds it takes to put your co*ck back inside her after pulling out. She’d rather immediately start bouncing.
However, Emi has been told off by Sydney the last three nights because Sydney wants you to save your load for the party. While Michael, Scarra and the other OTV guys will be there to celebrate with you, the girls arranged for them to leave after some time so they can turn their home into a full-on sex club for you.

You stand up and walk over to the elevator, still used to having to open the door for them, when Tina steps out with a happy smile. She’s wearing one of those brown coats that cover a woman’s entire body, an odd choice for the current weather. Upon meeting her eyes, suddenly, before any words of greeting are spoken, she drops the coat, revealing the cutest pink lingerie you could’ve ever imagined on her body. The pattern greatly emphasizes her chest and due to her efforts in the gym her ass stands out enough on its own. Still, her panties beautifully curve around her hips, leaving roughly half of her full, round lower cheeks exposed.

Tina strikes a sexily cute pose, leaning on one leg more than the other as she adorably smiles at you with her red lips and admiring eyes. You come to a literal halt upon seeing her like this, transfixed by her radiant beauty, unable to do anything but stare in awe.

Your face must be looking kind of dumb right now, because after a few seconds Tina breaks and starts to giggle, cutely hiding her laugh behind her hand. Nevertheless, due to your height difference you can still see her stunning smile.

She walks closer until she’s right in front of you, her naked toes playfully placed above yours. She runs some of her fingers seductively underneath the waistband of your boxers, slightly pulling it toward her but not enough to look inside. Either way, she’s not looking down, but right up at you while her other hand gently rubs your crotch. “I see someone’s ready to party” she cutely giggles, biting her lip and then puckering them, clearly waiting for a kiss. You compose yourself by quickly shaking your head and then meet her lips before finally speaking to your girlfriend.

“Hey, Tina!” you chuckle, confused, caught off guard and a little unsure of what to do. “What are you doing here?” you ask.

“Oh you know” she playfully responds, continuing to rub her palm all over your boxers and leaning in until her busty chest squishes against your torso. The fabric of her lingerie feels soft yet firm on your skin, and her tit* look simply incredible. “Just visiting my boyfriend on his birthday, before his other girlfriends whiff him away. He’s quite a popular dude, y’know?” she teases with a smile, making you laugh.

“but didn’t Sydney say no one gets to f*ck me before the party? So they can all get a huge group facial?”

“I won’t tell if you won’t!” Tina slyly smirks, turning around to now grind her thicc ass directly against your co*ck. You let out an involuntary groan, spurring her on as she bites her lips, loving the effect she is having on you.

Oh my god… the one time she gets out of her shell and does something crazy like this… I don’t wanna send her away…

You let out another groan as you give in to your desires and grab her waist, holding her close and leaning down for another kiss. Tina happily accepts it, placing one of her hands on your cheek while the other wraps around your neck, pulling you in closer. Her body keeps facing away from you though, with her ass tightly pressed against your crotch.

“I’m not sure when I last felt your co*ck press into me this hard” Tina teasingly grins, reaching down through her legs to tickle and massage your balls.

“Well, it’s been some time since I haven’t ejacul*ted for three days in a row” you confidently smirk back at her.

“Oh? The big man has to many girls to please, huh?” she giggles, caressing your hair, still grinding on your co*ck while you two stand in the middle of your living room.

“You’re not so bad yourself I hear” you retort, placing a quick peck on her lips. “How much puss* have you had in the last few days? I feel like every time I look into the group chat there’s a picture of you between a different girl’s legs” you laughingly tease her, making Tina blush shyly.

“yeah! well… I get around!” she giggles cutely, almost falling forward while she laughs, but your hand in her panties and arm around her naked stomach won’t allow her to leave your embrace.

Turning the teasing tables on her, you continue, playfully rubbing her blushing cheeks: “and now little tiny Tina is here to collect her reward for being such a good girl, making all my girlfriends cum while I was gone, huh?”

Tina almost can’t contain her giggles anymore. You can tell she wants to say something submissive, defending herself, when mid-word formation she suddenly cuts herself off and instead returns to the confident, assertive Tina that walked into your apartment to get a huge cum-load before everyone else, despite it being forbidden.
“Yeah! So what? I deserve some co*ck for all that! I deserve to have your big birthday load be dumped straight into my tiny little womb” she rubs her stomach, having picked up a trick or two from Poki’s, Brooke’s, and recently Leslie’s dirty talk. Damn, the girls are really starting to think about kids huh? Oh well… or maybe they’re just copying what I like to hear?… Poki really infected everyone, hasn’t she? Haha

Trying your best to keep the upper hand, you spin Tina around and after a few seconds of intimate eye contact, you push her down to her knees. Her hands instinctively fall on your boxers, next to either side of your dick as she eagerly awaits your command. “Since you’ve had so much practice, let’s see what you can do with your mouth” you press her head into your crotch, and Tina starts sucking your tip through the thin fabric, quickly drenching it with her spit. She doesn’t say anything and just hummingly moans as you push her against your co*ck, suckling on it like a pacifier while looking insanely hot and submissive while doing so. When your hand lessens its grip, Tina lets her tongue glide up and down your lengthy shaft through the fabric, and of course your tiny slu*t doesn’t neglect your big balls either. From the twitching of her fingers, you can tell she wants to pull down your boxers. Tina wants to release your big co*ck and feel it slap against her adorable face before she sucks it, deepthroating every inch and swallowing every drop of precum. She’s been practicing with her Mistress, the current deepthroat record holder within the harem. Miyoung and her have been kissing each other with two headed dild*s buried in their throats, and one particularly horny evening the Roomies glued four dild*s together to make a four-way kiss where every girl would have your co*ck down their throat while their tongues and lips tried to reach each other’s. That night the Roomies shared their very first throatgasm experience, and they’ve grown even closer ever since. Plus, they all developed a new obsession with sucking co*ck – one that Rae especially didn’t need, given how much she’s doing it anyways. Still, who could complain about that.

Despite all that, you know that a submissive girl like Tina won’t pull down your boxers without being told to. Yet she’s came all the way here… going against Sydney’s orders in doing so… and from what I can tell the other girls are having a lot of fun denying Tina her org*sms… so maybe… if I let her become desperate enough…

A splinter of fear appears in Tina’s eyes as she notices the evil sparkle in yours while you grin down at her. She can tell you’re not planning on giving her the command, yet she really wants your cum.


“Mh-haster?” she says, submissively trying to convince you while keeping her lips locked on your barely covered, throbbing co*ck. “Whon’t yhu lhet mhe thaste yhour cum?

“Oh, I’m quite enjoying seeing you begging like this” you smirk, shrugging your shoulders. “By the way, stop fingering yourself”

Tina’s mouth opens in shock as she leans further into your crotch, her wet tongue pressing against your swollen tip. Her eyes are opened wide while looking up at you, not having expected you to deny her too. After all, you usually take pity on her when she comes begging for an org*sm using her puppy dog eyes.

“Yes master” she lets out, breathing heavily, trying not to break. I’m so… f*cking… horny…

But he must be too… I can feel his dick twitching every time I move… he wants me… I know it…

if I just… lean into it… maybe… maybe he’ll let me…

“oh you whant a begging slu*t? You whant me?” Tina suddenly perks up, slapping her hands on your ass and pulling her face into your loin area. She opens her mouth wide and sticks out her tongue, crossing her eyes to make a stupidly slu*tty ahegao face as she wildly moves her head, rubbing her face and tongue all over your crotch. “fhuuuuck mhaster phhlleeassse! phFuck my face! f*ck your dirty little slu*t’s face! Don’t you wanna ruin my cute little make up? Make me cry tears of joy as you thrust your co*ck down my tiny little throat? Feel my tight throat gagging around you cause your dick is just so f*cking big? Way too big for a tiny, petite girl like me? I couldn’t possible swallow it all, yet you can just force your way inside me, making me take your enormous member, forcing me to swallow with a smile!” she grins mischievously before pressing her wet, open lips back against your crotch. “Dhon’t yhou whant to have me? Dump your load inside of me? Your balls are so big and full of delicious, creamy white cum, I can feel it! You want to spray your load inside of me. It would be a waste to dump it all in those boxers of yours! Better dump it all in me! Your tiny loving girlfriend! Don’t you wanna give it to me, Master? don’t youuu??

uuuhhhhhh….~~~” your head falls back as you release a deep, guttural groan. Tina’s dirty talk is really getting to you, especially because in no universe would you have ever expected to hear such slu*tty pleads from her, and so many of them too…

He must be getting close… I can feel him twitching and clenching.. if I don’t do something soon, he’s gonna blow his load and waste all that tasty cum that he’s been storing in there for days… it’ll be such a big load… I might not get another chance like this in months… having a load like this all for myself… not being the second or third puss* he c*ms in that day just because I haven’t made the first move… not having to share it in a cum kiss right after he c*ms in my mouth…


Tina and you both breathe heavily. You can feel her hot breath in your crotch as you desperately try to resist your cravings. Both of you are on the brink of breaking, and yet you must hold out. This is a good opportunity for Tina to grow, not only to be more confident sexually, but also to stand up for herself more as a person. You know that if you break now and allow her to submit herself again, she might never go through that vital development that Miyoung recently made by sharing her feelings of jealousy with Rae. But f*ck… I really hope she just takes it soon… because otherwise…


f*ck it

“HuH?” you look at the tiny girl surprised.

Suddenly Tina just springs up, grabs your waistband and starts pulling you to the bedroom with such a force that your soaked boxers rip, falling to the ground. Tina’s determined face doesn’t change as she turns around and sees your big co*ck pointing directly at her. She just grabs it, pulling you to the bedroom as if you were on a leash. She pushes you down without saying a single word and then slips out of her panties, quickly straddling you and putting your throbbing co*ck into her absolutely drenched puss*. Tina is even wetter than Leslie right now, and she wastes no time with foreplay whatsoever. She just starts violently bouncing on you, determined to cum.

Her face contorts with pleasure as she clenches her eyes and bites her lip, unable to vocalize the intensity of her pleasure while she rides you vigorously. Tina’s tit* bounce enticingly in her pink bra.

OH f*ck OH f*ck OH f*ck








“uhh… Tina?” you try to warn the wildly bouncing girl. You have placed your hands on her hip in a way that you can stimulate her cl*t with your right thumb, making sure she receives the maximum amount of pleasure as a reward for her being so assertive for once. You forget to breathe and almost choke on your spit as you gulp, trying not to get lost in the insane amount of pleasure. You breathlessly pant: “Tina.. I’m gonna… I’m gonna…”


Tina’s org*sm is wilder and crazier than anything you’ve ever experienced before. Her waves of pleasure, her vagin*l contortions and the direction her hips are jerking are all entirely unpredictable as she moves around on your co*ck, riding through her pleasure. You can’t help but burst immediately when her incredible org*sm starts. Being pent up for three days means that a huge sticky load of creamy cum gets discharged right into her willing puss*, and Tina’s pleasure seems to intensify upon feeling the first few spurts arrive inside her. Her screaming gets even louder, almost nearing the likes of Jodi and Emily, and she’s gripping your pecs in order to stabilize herself during her internal eruption.

Her eyes are still shut while you hold onto her clothed chest the same, squeezing her squishy flesh through the firm lingerie. Even though you can’t see how far her eyes are rolled back, you can see every muscle in her innocent looking face twitching with pleasure, including her eyelids. Her red lips are trembling while her face is so flushed you can barely see her blush anymore. Her own spit, in which she rubbed herself while she was licking your boxers, is making her skin glisten beautifully, like a fairytale river beneath a starry night sky.

Your hips twitch up against Tina’s, pushing your dick deeper inside while her puss* creates rings, tubes, strings, slaps and literally every other sensation around your throbbing member – you never ever felt anything like this with Tina nor any of the other girls. The pleasure she must be experiencing is unfathomable. Truly otherworldly. Tina feels like she hasn’t cum in weeks and now, combined with that new defiant experience of just taking what she wants without permission, all that pent up energy is finally running all over her, finally having found a release: You.

***AAAAAHHH AAAAHHHHH AAAHHAHA AAAAAAHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~!~*** Tina’s eyes snap open as she heavily tries to breathe. Her head and body are slowly bopping back and forth as if you were a seesaw. Her wet, tight puss* is still clutching your co*ck as her amazing puss* lips get dragged behind, up and down, up and down, and up, and down.
With a load like this you’d expect plenty to drip out and cream your crotches, however not a single drop can be seen nor felt around her puss*. A female climax is biologically meant to suck in a male’s cum, and Tina just had the mother of all org*sms.

Her mouth and eyes are wide agape as her rocking body slowly stops swaying.
And then she drops.
Falling on top of your chest.
Completely lost in her bliss.

You smile as you catch your breath, wrapping your arms around the adorable sleeping girl. You lovingly caress her soft, slightly reddish hair while your co*ck plops out of her relaxing puss*. You’re still not quite sure what or how this has happened, but seeing her sleep so peacefully on top of your chest, you realize it doesn’t matter. She’s happy, and that is all that matters.

“I love you Tina” you whisper with a smile and then place a soft kiss on her forehead. Tina cracks a subtle smile in her sleep but doesn’t otherwise react. You check the clock and see that there's still plenty of time before the party starts in the afternoon. Leaning back against your pillow, you continue brushing Tina's hair until you drift back to sleep, comfortably relishing in the feeling of your shared love.


“Wakey Wakey cutsie cakey” you grin from ear to ear after watching Tina sleep for a bit longer until she starts waking up herself.

Your words make her dreamily giggle: “w-w-what did you just say?” Her laugh is adorable, and you need to fight the urge to kiss her immediately.

“I don’t know” you chuckle instead, patting her head. “Sydney called your phone three times. I didn’t pick up so she wouldn’t know you broke the ‘no cum rule’, but she texted something about preparations”

“you’re as guilty as me mister” Tina cutely replies, throwing you an accusing glance as you hand her her pink phone. You grin and kiss her cheek, making her blush and widely smile again.
“okay… she wanted me to try on my lingerie…” Tina searchingly looks around until she spots her abandoned panties on the floor. Her bra is technically still clinging to her body, but barely. “I think that counts” she says in a blunt tone, making you crack up and she immediately starts laughing too.

“I hope they won’t smell the cum on you” you tease the girl on top of you.

“Nah, I can tell it’s all nice and deep inside me” she grins, putting her phone away and wrapping her arms around your neck for a gleeful kiss.
“plus… we’ll just have some shower sex to wash the scent off” she jokingly adds after.

“As much as I’d like that” you chucklingly respond “I think I really should save up some sperm, you really deserved it, I can tell, but I wouldn’t want Sydney and the others to leave empty-handed.. or I guess… empty-mouthed? puss*ed?” you stop to consider and genuinely think about what the right phrasing would be, and your serious facial expression makes Tina burst out in laughter, ripping you out of your thoughts. “ah well, it doesn’t matter, come here you cutsie” you smile, pulling her in for another happy kiss, lasting a while.

Since you still got roughly two hours before the girls wanna meet up at the OTV house for some photos and warm-up sex, and then you got another two hours after that before you are scheduled to arrive, Tina and you just lay in bed and talk a little about everything. Since Leslie recently confessed to you about being ready for kids, the topic of the future, and also marriage, has come up.

“Do you plan to marry some of us? I mean, I guess legally you could only marry one… but do you even want to get married? It could be complicated with so many girls…” Tina curiously asks in a way that assures you any answer is fine. She is comfortable with knowing that you love her and the others, and whether you want to get married or not won’t change her feelings.

“Yes” you instantly nod, confident in your answer. “I definitely want to marry you and the others, I mean Sydney, Jodi, Poki, Aria, Rae, Leslie, Miyoung and Emi” “I’ve definitely thought about the legal situation.. there may be some tricks to pull on the system, but I don’t know if any of them would really work… I know that in the end it’s a legal thing, a piece of paper, but I still think it’s a nice gesture between lovers, and I want to give that to all of you” you warmly smile at Tina, who smiles back.
Continuing, you go on: “You weren’t all girlfriends at the same time, and as far as I know you were fine with that, so I did think of maybe at least marrying one of you nine and maybe having unofficial ceremonies with the others? That way at least one of you could experience that feeling, yet I wouldn’t want the others to feel left out, so I’d definitely have a talk with them about it beforehand” Before you stop you quickly add: “Also, if you look at the political situation in some western countries right now, chances are actually good that polygamy gets legalized within the next years, although that’s not guaranteed and might take longer than we’d want”

You look at Tina, waiting for her reply, yet she just smiles. It’s infectious, so you smile back, simply looking into her amazingly sparkling eyes.
“It makes me happy you’re giving this so much thought in order not to accidentally hurt any of us” she finally says, still smiling contently. Her answer makes you glad.
“I really look forward to spending the rest of my life with you, no matter if we’re officially married, unofficially or not at all” she cutely rests her chin on her hands which are stacked on top of each other on your naked chest. Your stiff co*ck is ever so slightly touching her moist puss* lips while the two of you are having a romantic moment. You both ignore it.
“Either way, if you’d ever ask me, I want you to know that I’d say yes without hesitation” her grin grows wider as she speaks, making you determined to fulfill her implied wish and ask her someday. “I hope that nothing ever stands in the way of our love” she stretches out her hands to hug you, and you hug her right back. Her skin feels so warm and smooth. Her body filled to the brim with love.

You both kiss and gently caress each other’s bodies before eventually an alarm goes off, signaling to Tina that it’s time to get to the party. Reluctantly she withdraws from your lips, sitting up straight in your lap. As she moves, your tip almost flops inside of her.

“Ou! That was close!” Tina giggles, lifting up your co*ck in a way that maximizes the puss*-to-shaft contact while she slowly, slowly gets up from the bed. “I don’t know if I could’ve gotten off that again if it plopped inside of me” she laughs while pulling up her panties. Your eyes linger on her body, and when she notices, she strikes some cute and sexy poses for you, grinning widely through them all.

“Alright! Well! Now I really gotta run or I’ll be super late! I love you! And see you at the party in two hours! Don’t fall asleep!”

You chuckle at her adorable goodbye. “I love you too! Don’t trip on the stairs!”

“You don’t have stairs, dummy!” she laughs as the elevator door closes. You chuckle while you shake your head and prepare to make some lunch. But the lobby does You grin, looking out the window and admiring the beautiful orange sunshine over LA as you bite into a sandwich, not thinking about anything else than your amazing chat with Tina. I love you girls… and I’m gonna figure out a way to marry and make you all happy… even the others who I’m not officially dating, I still have feelings for them and I know they do for me, I won’t abandon you girls either.. it may be difficult, it may take time… but we’re gonna make it, and live happily ever after…

I believe it.

I believe

In Us.


At the party

Tina: “Oh my god Jaime! What happened to your ass?” the girl looks stunned at her friend’s red cheeks. Despite other OTV guys scheduled to appear a little later, Jaime is already barely covering her body, and it doesn’t look like she plans to wear more than she currently is once they arrive, like Sydney or Jodi surely will.
Jaime knows most of them probably jack off to her OnlyFans anyway, so it doesn’t matter if she’s only wearing assless chaps and a tiny light blue bra.

She just giggles. “Emma did”

“Oh” Tina understandingly lets out while undressing.

Jaime mischievously smirks at her. “Wanna kiss it to make it better?” she winks, turning around and spreading her plump cheeks, allowing Tina to see her holes. Tina hopes Jaime will at least put on some panties once the guests arrive… yet secretly she hopes Jaime won’t. It’d be hot to see the guys stare and get denied… knowing only you can f*ck her. Maybe you’ll even do so right in front of them… Maybe I should take off my panties so that could be me? Tina considers, her buried exhibitionistic side slowly creeping to the surface.

“Of course!” she cheerily replies, getting on her knees and burying her face between Jaime’s cheeks.

Jaime lets out a delighted moan as her head falls back. Her hands lose their strength due to Tina’s tongue tickling her tightest hole, causing them to lose grip on her sexy ass, making Jaime’s cheeks clap against Tina’s face. Both girls just smile and enjoy the sensation.

It doesn’t take long until Tina’s ass gets some attention as well. Miyoung inserts a strap-on into Tina’s tight anal gateway after thoroughly eating her out, squeezing Tina’s impressive boobs while placing a hickey on her neck.
Rae soon starts doing the same to her official girlfriend, and pretty soon the girls got an entire train going on, at the end of which Emma is thrusting into Emi from behind, while Leslie is laying on her back, legs spread, behind the dominant girl, getting f*cked as well.

Emma got a double dild* setup going on, similar to what she invented during the Harem Olympics. The minor difference being that this time both the strap-on in her puss* and ass are double-headed, and also move on their own. They can rotate on their axis and slide back and forth, meaning that the thrusting all three girls are experiencing as a result of Emma’s frantic f*cking is actually doubled in speed.
Emma is really only focused on f*cking Emi, getting lost in her frenzy as she tries to establish lasting dominance over the other dominant girl in the group, and due to their connected position, Leslie is the willing victim of that treatment.
To Emma’s dismay, Emi is currently leading their org*sm competition 246 to 237, but the almost gold star lesbian won’t be outdone for long by the Harem’s very own nymphomaniac.

While Emma and Emi try to make each other cum as the smaller girl mainly thrusts her ass back against Emma’s wide hips instead of focusing on pleasuring Andrea in front of her, Emily, Jodi and Leslie are seemingly competing in a screaming match to see who can moan the loudest.






Let’s go celebrate my birthday!

Well-nourished you excitedly put on a light jacket. It’s not cold, but you prefer it over a bag to carry some of your toys. The big ones are at the OTV house anyway, but this is a great opportunity to experiment with some new designs.

You don’t have a single unhappy thought as you smilingly press to open the elevator, when reality, in the form of a tall man, comes in swinging and coldly smiles at you, confidently standing in the middle of the elevator cabin.

The man dressed in a police officer uniform immediately walks forward. His presence alone makes you stumble backwards, inadvertently allowing him entry.

“My name is Officer Vileheart, your girlfriend was so kind to leave the elevator door open for me. I hope you don’t mind” his dangerous grin flashes you his white teeth. He’s wearing sunglasses as well as a standard police cap. His face is barely visible.

Before you can ever stutter anything, he continues smirkingly: “Don’t be afraid, look, here is my badge” he rises his hand to show you his realistic looking badge. It’s a golden plaque, just like in the movies.

You turn your head down to verify it, and you get a real close-up look as he catches you off guard, quickly swinging it upwards and smashing the hard metal right into your nose. The initial stinging pain is immediately followed by a jab in the gut, and as your hands are still deciding where to shield your body, a final blow brings you to your knees. You feel something warm on your upper lip as the blood runs down from your nose.

Finally entering fight or flight mode you try grabbing his legs, but too late. You look up to where his eyes would be, blocked out by the dark sunglasses. You feel a sting on the side of your neck and see the medical syringe as he injects you with some transparent, silverish liquid.

Your throat muscles clench as it becomes harder to breathe. Your body shiver as you try not to fall over, despite already being on all fours. Your fingers are shaking and your lips tremble, the fluid quickly taking effects. Or is it the broken ribs?

The man doesn’t say a word. He just watches.

Your gaze goes to the floor as your body tries to resist, yet inevitably collapses onto the ground.

Your mouth remains agape as your eyes fight to stay open. Fight to stay awake.

The pain in your body evaporates, and pure panic takes its place.

This… this can’t be the end…

can it?

You *gulp*.

oh Mike…. this wasn’t…



You wake up, tied to a chair, looking into the direction of the OTV house. Through your blurry vision you can actually see the blinking party lights your girls put up as big, colorful round circles.
They must be wondering where you are by now. That is, if any time has really passed since you went down. You don’t really know.

As you slowly sober up from the injection, you feel an eerie presence behind you. Watching you.

Suddenly you hear steps.

Slow, calculated steps.

Black shoes walking on a wooden floor, like in a horror movie. *Click.* *Click.* *Click.* *Click.*

Maybe you passed out for a moment again, but you never saw Vileheart enter your field of view. He was suddenly just there, standing slightly to the side in front of you.

He isn’t wearing his sunglasses anymore, which allows you to get a much better look at his face.

He doesn't look happy.

More like slightly annoyed.

He stares at you with his empty eyes as if you are nothing more than a minor inconvenience to him.

Vileheart is no longer wearing his uniform either. Instead, he has on a black shirt that hugs his muscles and brown cargo pants. He has blond hair, blue eyes, no beard, and is wearing black medical gloves. If you weren’t worried about the unspeakable things he might do to you, you might compliment his looks.

In his hand, he’s holding some long silver metal tube with a red button and some blinking lights.

“So” he starts talking, skipping the customary ‘Welcome back’ that movie villains like to say after knocking out the protagonist. He holds up the silver tube, showing it to you. “This, as you may guess, is a detonator. I’ve rigged the house you’re currently looking at with quite a few explosives, and some poison gas capsules, just for good measure.”

He looks coldly at you as your facial expression turns to horror.



“Stay with me. It’s too soon to panic” he says in a perfectly monotone voice.

You want to scream at him.
But you can’t.
The words just won’t come out.

He sighs.

“I would be torturing you, but I need something from you. It would be inconvenient for me if I had to carry you to wherever you are hiding it” he explains.
Vileheart shows you the detonator again, swinging it in front of your face as if to reprimand you, before he continues: “Don’t get me wrong. If the threat of your little girlfriends blowing up isn’t enough, then I will be doing things to you that not even the most sensationalist tabloids will mention in their report. But I’d rather get to the point quickly, given my circ*mstances.”

“wh-what circ*mstances?” you manage to let out a completely irrelevant question.

He crouches down in front of you with his knees spread wide, getting slightly below eye level. “That doesn’t concern you. Just know, I’m not about to kill you today.” “Don’t ask me why” he unenthusiastically shakes his head. “In my opinion, leaving a loose end like this is extremely unprofessional. But I just get paid.”
With a slight chuckle he adds: “at least you’ll have to live with what I’ll do to your playthings…

You want to scream at him, but your chin just drops and no words come out. Not even hot air.

Ignoring you, he stands back up and walks a short circle, his gaze briefly lingering on the OTV house. You can almost hear the thumping bass of the party music emanating from it, drifting through the warm summer air.

I… I can’t… I can’t let them… I never thought… I thought…


True fear creeps up your spine, flooding your brain.

Vileheart looks back at you, assertively holding out the threatening detonator.

“Getting to the point: I am giving you thirty seconds to tell me where the prototype you stole is, and then I am pushing this button with your thumb.” He states in an emotionless tone. “When you talk to a therapist, they’ll tell you that it wasn’t your fault. That I killed them. But you.” he makes a very brief pause, looking directly at you with his empty eyes. “But you will forever blame yourself.

You gulp in horror, stunned by his villainy.

Your chin drops slightly. You are too in awe to even protest. Your body trembles, but only faintly, overwhelmed by fear coursing through every fiber of your being.

What can I do??

Your breathing gets quicker. Shallower. More frantic.

Your lips tremble as your body jitters.

“Time is ticking” his evil voice echoes through your pounding head.

Panic grows within you.

Your hands feel shaky.

Your breathing gets louder.

This ringing.

A white round light gets brighter.

A static noise emerges.

The ringing gets louder.



Your eyes go wide as your head moves away from the window. Your cheek is burning with pain.

Everything feels like it’s in slow motion. You can see your ceiling. The plants you bought. You think of the Estonian couple you sold your firm to. You see Aria dancing in the light the first time she came over after you finished furnishing your apartment. She looked like a fairy ballerina. Poki watched her dance with you.

The air leaves your lungs as your gaze flies toward your favorite red couch. It was there when Leslie first came over. Afterward, it felt like a waterbed…

You chuckle at the memory.

But… but…

Then you realize your couch is behind you.

The red you are seeing is not your sofa.

It’s blood.

Your blood.

Flying with you through the air.


aaahhh….” you let out a pained groan as your head hits the floor. Your view is dizzy, and the room is spinning.

Your breathing is slow.


You see two feet walk into your vision. You hear a raspy voice underneath the ringing in your ear.

“Man… you’re pathetic.”
“I briefly threaten your girlfriends and you almost pass out on me”

You can’t see his face until he kneels down, showing you his awful, grinning smile. His teeth are as white as bleached bones left in the desert sun.

“You must really love them”

He grabs your shirt’s collar, lifts you up and throws you forward. The impact breaks the chair he tied you to.

After the impact the momentum carries you forward. You tumble until you come to a stop with your bleeding face pressed against the ground.

You feel a foot on the bottom of your spine. It stomps down.

You cough up blood.


“Where is it?”

You cough.

The foot on your sacrum presses down harder.

The tip of his shoe feels as if a blade was slowly cutting through your skin.

“Where is it?” Vileheart says in such a calm and collected tone that makes his presence even scarier. He is feeling nothing as he hurts you.

“oh” he lets out. “You’re thirty seconds are up. Give me your hand” he bends down to grab your arm.


You manage to scream, your body instinctively curling into a fetal-like position, hiding your arms beneath your stomach. Panting with fear and panic, you quickly add: “Ih.. it’s here… in my bedroom…”

He sighs contently. “You will give me what I want. Crawl if you must” he calmy commands with a malicious undertone.
“I will let you live. But if you resist, only barely.

Despite the painful screams from your right arm, you force it to extend forward, slowly pulling your body behind it as you crawl toward your bedroom.

“Them?” he continues monologuing. You can’t see him. Yet you feel him looking out the window toward the OTV house. “I haven’t decided yet. The longer you take, the more time I have to change my mind.” he states.

You take a deep breath.

You summon all your strength.

And crawl faster.

You pant with determination in your breath.




i have to…

save them…

i have to…

Barely, you reach up to the foot of your bed, pulling yourself onto your knees.

“What are you doing?”

Weakly you respond: “i.. i’m opening the safe… i have to grab it… precisely one hips width apart… curl up my ring finger and pinky….” you pant as you struggle to perform the procedure accurately. You can’t risk the alarm going off and Vileheart interpreting that as a trap. You can’t risk him setting off the bombs.

For the first time he laughs.

“How pathetic. All that security, and I just waltzed right in here. I thought you’d at least put up a fight.” He mocks you. “Seems like they really didn’t need to give me any more information about you than where you live and that I have to get some ‘prototype’. You’re no threat. You’re a disappointment.

For just a moment, a weak grin forms on your cracked lips.

With a *click* and cold hissing sound, the vault in your bed opens.

The cold air stings your shaking hands as you reach in to grab the blue holder, containing five glass vials.

Turning around, still on your knees, you hold them up, handing them to Vileheart. He unceremoniously grabs them with one hand, holding the container up to inspect the prototype.

Your heart rate quickens as you both watch the light travel through the shimmering purple liquid. The fluid looks oddly beautiful.

“hm” he lets out stoically. “Why are there only five?” he uses the detonator to point at the empty sixth slot in the plastic holder.

You stutter, surprised at how little he seems to know about it all.
Fearful, you respond, hoping he would believe the truth and not just kill everyone because he suspects you are hiding something. “I..I took it… it.. it—I made it for me.. s-so I injected myself…”

His expression doesn’t change. Vileheart just looks at the vials with empty eyes.

He releases a deep sigh. You can’t tell whether he is pleased, disappointed, or just bored.

“Well then. Thank you. I wish you a happy life.” He simply turns around and walks away. Your eyes widen in shock as he nonchalantly throws the detonator over his shoulder, vaguely in your direction.

if that lands wrong…

You want to jump to catch it, but your body fails you.
You flop onto the ground. Pain fills your torso, spreading like warm water bloating you.

Looking up, you don’t know how the detonator landed.

You don’t know if the button was pressed upon impact.

Your eyes are filled with panic as adrenaline rushes through your body.

With a sudden burst of strength you manage to stand up, quickly stumbling forward and grabbing the silver tube.

All the lights still look the same.
You think.

You can’t explain the sense of clarity that suddenly washes over your mind, but in the next few moments, your years of engineering training guide you through the exact process of dismantling this wretched thing in the most careful and calculated way. Your brain doesn’t consciously process the individual parts, you just take them apart.

Once the parts are separated from anything dangerous, you smash them with your fist. The metal cuts open your skin, making you bleed, yet you ensure that they cannot be put back together again, no matter how skilled the engineer.

You take some deep, strained breaths as you stumble to your window, dialing your phone, calling someone - anyone - at the party.

*CLIANG* You bump your head on the glass window, falling back first on the floor. Weakly, and despite the heavy protest of your body, you manage to shift your head, looking out the window. Your vision is too fuzzy to discern anything from this distance, and a sluggish flow of blood is slowly running down the glass wall, obstructing your view.

“Hello?” a worried, female voice emerges from the other end of the line. You pick up your phone from the ground, quickly pressing it against your ear as you lie on the ground.

Tina?!? Tina!! Are you okay???” *cough* *cough*
Warm blood runs down your cheek as you cough it up.

“Y-y-yeah? Why? Where are you?? What is going on??? Why does your voice sound like that???”


Hearing that the girls are okay causes the adrenaline to wear off. You lose your strength, dropping your phone to the side.


You can hear Tina screaming from the other end, yet you cannot respond.

Darkness slowly fills your vision as you begin to pass out.


The last sounds reaching your ears are a lot of armored boots storming around your apartment. You feel someone grab you, speaking, shouting at you, yet you cannot discern who.

You can hear the mechanical, electrical buzzing of a walkie-talkie as someone is speaking into it. There are some blue lights flashing in front of your darkening eyes.

it worked…


You take a deep breath and then chuckle with a relieved grin, your eyes finally giving in to the darkness.

It worked.

Moving into the World of Streamers - Chapter 27 - TD23 (2024)


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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.